12 reviews liked by Kenanigans_Cafe

DMC1 good start
DMC2 peak
DMC3 really good (not as good as 2)

Imagine creating the best game in the series because you don't want to be remember as the director of the worst game in the same series

hitman for people who don't wash their ass

You go in thinking it's going to be corny as hell and then it hits you with Guru Ant. The music industry has never recovered

the ultimate testament to how universally infectious this game's charms are is that the entire video game criticism profession has silently agreed without exception to forgive the fact that it's basically unplayable.

man I love lesbians I wish they were real and in my area and in my arms and

Sephiroth is like 10 polygons in this game and he's still one of the most fuckable characters I've ever seen.

never trust blackloggd users, they will say a game that aged fine aged terrible.

"Hasn't aged the best" nigga you haven't aged the best

A strong contender for the best opening cutscene in gaming history