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The last entry of the series and an interesting concept of the little monokumas called the monokubs?

Anyways, i believe the characters here were the best in terms of design, even better than Goodbye Despair arguably.

The relationship between the characters is really interesting, especially Maki and Kaito. Then theres Gonta, the innocent character. His interactions are always funny.

cases are what you can expect by now, except for 3, shame that was poorly executed, and for some reason cases 4 and 5 are again the best cases, its almost like a pattern...

Now I still hate the ending but not as much as i used to, it isn't bad by any means I just expected something else I guess.

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Huge upgrade from Trigger Happy Havoc, not only the characters are more interesting, we're all on a whole island instead of just a school building.

Here we see a new mascot, usami, a rabbit with some magical girl powers, you'd think that will replace Monokuma. SIKE The goat is back and even fights her and remodels her into Monomi.

You can see the jump in quality from the first chapter with its case, it was well-executed. and it only gets better, then you see cases 4 and 5 where in my opinion, Danganronpa peaked in those 2 cases.

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my favourite character killed my favourite character

Seriously, this game is brilliant. Not only it gives you a good hook in the introduction, it also somehow keeps your attention with how dark this entire thing can become, i can never get over the spears scene.

Even more insane is how the hell it manages to get better with every chapter, just when you think it got boring you get surprised with another thing.

Monokuma is the GOAT.

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We're finally back to the series with Nero and Dante and V? Who the hell is V?

The gameplay gets infinitely better for Nero and Dante, Nero gets a variety of arms or "Devil Bringers" and they are so fun to use, there is a lot of them to the point you get confused, you want to become Mega Man? Or use bananas to kill Demons? Or hell just that one were it becomes like a missile and ride it

Then you have Dante, you get to use 4 melee weapons, and 4 ranged along with special moves for each with the styles, plus Trickster and Royal Guard. you can slash demons in style while riding a motorcycle

Then there's V, which is unique from both Nero and Dante. you have beasts to do the work for you, with their own mechanics and you have to finish the enemies yourself since the beasts alone cant do it,although the beasts look very familiar... (dmc 1 flashbacks)

all of that with amazing themes for each character

Then the special edition releases with Vergil as a playable character, similar to dante but without the styles. along with the best soundtrack in the game

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ok so gameplay wise, this game got a little better since with Dante you can style switch during combos instead of being limited to one. We get introduced to Nero, a character that has a demon hand? he's like a simpler Dante with unique animations for his demon arm.

However, the story takes a nosedive, it gets weird and illogical. Also the game feels rather unfinished? either way it might get repetitive since, the first half you play with Nero but the other half you play the Same thing but with Dante instead? Meh cool gameplay at least right?

Finally, this is where the series get insanely good. not only an improvement to the gameplay but also the story. We get the origins of Dante and his brother.

not only Dante gets better we get introduced to more characters like Lady, Jester, Vergil, they're all have different motives which makes them interesting. Every scene with the Jester was so fun to watch.

The game gets so good, the gameplay was never better(at the time), and also the game is pretty hard, im glad there were checkpoints otherwise i think i wouldn't have completed the game lmao

we also get introduced to the soundtracks, Devils Never Cry and Vergil Battle them are so peak.

holy this game is so bad, not only it doesnt fix the older game's problems, it just ADDS more to them. The interesting gameplay just dies, you cant do combos like the first game. Hell you dont even need to use the sword, because why would you, you literally just sit in the back and shoot the guns and it'll kill everything for you.

Stupid bosses, stupid enemies, stupid characters, even Dante gets ruined here by becoming more serious rather than what he really is.

why did they bring the RE camera angles here?

jokes aside its a fun game, but it has its issues. For example you could do up to like 4 missions or something without a single cutscene, it feels like you never progressed. The camera angles with the style of gameplay did not help, the gameplay has alot of potential but the angles are just weird and they don't work very well with it

also that weird jump is criminal.

Wishing for a remake because i believe this game could be alot better.

cool idea for a spin off, a bit boring gameplay and i was a bit uninterested in the characters they focused on, but the puzzles were fun

FromSoft's peak in boss design. The game itself is very linear compared to its predecessors ds2 and ds1, but still offers almost the same quality of the level design with quite smoother gameplay.

Now when we go to the bosses you can never go wrong with almost anyone, Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Nameless king, Soul of Cinder, Twin Princes, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Champion Gundyr etc. The community still argues which is the best and that shows the quality of the bosses.

Then you have the DLC and man, words cannot describe how good they were. Ashes of Ariandel had Sister Friede my personal favorite boss. The Ringed City had multiple bosses all were great from the Demon Prince to Slave Knight Gael.

Same thing said for the bosses could be said to the soundtrack, hell you know the soundtrack is insane from the main menu.

Easily my second favourite game from the studio and my favourite Dark Souls.

Peak combat system, never had so much fun in a game because of the gameplay alone.

Sekiro forces you to get good at the game to finish it, ending it with a perfect boss fight that tests every single thing you've learned through your entire journey thus far.

funny story, I played the first 2 hours in 2020. Then another 2 hours in 2021. Then finally completed it in 2023, I'd say the game was worth, very fun exploring, mostly fun bosses I guess. Cool soundtrack, the dark souls influence does show in alot of places, which is probably why it's good lmao

Pretty good i think, words cannot describe how fun ive had with it, i love portal

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That ending did not have to hit like this...
I like the idea that the gameplay depends on what you're doing in the story, driving a boat? sure. You're in prison? sure. Time for some beat'em up action? you got it etc. and the character interaction was fun, engaging, and emotional at a certain point...

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The most fun co-op game to ever exist, every chapter focuses on one idea, then it is brought to its maximum potential in the end of said chapter, those devs must've been on something while making the game. I hope I experience something similar. (except for the elephant part, pls)