That's all we want, a charming short game with great music and funny story.

It's been 10 minutes I'm looking for the bad sides of this game, and I can't see even one. It's a 10/10 for what the game wanted to be.

+ Gorgeous art
+ Great music
+ Good exploration
+ Perfect duration

- I guess the camera could have been better sometime but that's it

Firstly, I wanna say that I've only played SV vanilla, but you can fix or expand your experience with many mods. So , it's been so many years since i started to play this game, but stardew is always coming back to my life. What a chill and incredible experience. Thanks ConcernedApe for the multiple updates, for this beautiful soundtrack, for these characters and this city. This game has a special place in my heart forever.

This game is a jam... but not for 110 hours. What a shame to finish to be disgusted by a game because of his endlessness. There are clearly some arcs that I found not enough pertinent or badly writting (the 3 and 5 palace), they encroach on the rest of the game. I prefer stop now (100 hours) and try to remember the good points of this game :
-What an OST, tks Lyn
-Good flow during the first 60 hours, it's hard to put down the controller
-Some good characters
-Nice battle system

Update : I've finished the game and I'm 100 % agree with what I've said before.

I hate this game but I love him

- The dungeon parts are boring
- The second half of the game is a little less good
- Sometimes the difficulty just exploses for no reason

+ The turn-based combat system is cool
+ The voice acting is incredible
+ The story and characters are memorable and charming
+ The side quests men, THE SIDE QUESTS
+ Music is good


- Dude this side missions are so bad, and sometimes there is one which is cool but you don't even know because there is no way to differentiate it to the other copy paste shit
- Level design is disappointing
- Graphics are bad and who's the person who deletet the anti-aliasing
- Always the same ennemies
- The story is really bad and so the character

+ Gameplay is crazy, deep and so fun
+ Even if the realisation is bad, the art direction is really cool
+ The music is good
+ The loot system is cool

Please don't play it like a dark souls because the qualities of this game are not the same

Damn so you're telling me Hideo have done a game where walking is the best thing of the game ? That's actually really impressive dude what a game.

- I really don't like the artistic direction of this game, it doesn't look good and it's very repetitive.
-The story is never really great, it's just nothing new and it is soo long
-The character are bad and boring (exept Dikki is fine)
-The first time you meet a horde it's cool and actually really terrifying, and then you just realise you just have to run in circle and throw molotov
-Missions are all the same

+ I guess the soundtrack is fine
+ The bike grind is kind fun I guess

Just not a really good game but I guess you can find some fun in it

- Mid tier combat system
- The looting system is really not enjoyable
- All the "?" kill the feeling of discovering
- The story is forgettable / not really great
- Side quests are bad (mostly fedex)
- The voice acting seems strange and low quality

+ The map is incredible and the world vast and intriguing
+ The museum mod is so cool
+ The soundtrack is not perfect but there is some good songs

When I work I like to put a walking tour video of this game on my second screen and it feels amazing. Great world but mid video game.
The platine was a 7/10 pleasant.

+ Music
+ Storytelling
+ Gameplay

- Act III
- Little disappointed about the replayability (Kaycee's Mod)

the ax comes back by itself


Even though this game was released in 2015, he gives me a big slap in the face :

-Incredible graphics
-Genius-level design, and who said games need a HUD?
-Gave me at least 3 existential crises

Good game

I hate purple coin but I can ride Yoshi.