I always appreciate the grassroots of games and see how they eventually grow, but unlike Devil May Cry, which I feel this game closely relates to(aside from the same producer and style of combat to an extent), there's no remnants of what it was which can still be seen in the game. While Bayonetta's characterization and the story in general feel much more prevalent in this game compared to again, Devil May Cry, its more or less brother; the awful QTE, Majority of bosses feeling nearly unfun to fight and janky controls takes a lot away from the great combat and fun if brief story. I enjoyed it up until a certain point, and then I wanted nothing more then to finish it and see how its sequel no doubt improved on the faults of the original.

Peak fucking fiction man I can't even write how I feel man this actually completely changed me as a fucking being. Who gives a fuck which persona is best man I don't even fucking care anymore this shit was so fucking beautiful god man fuck my life has been changed

This shit might've changed my life

One of the best games I've ever played. There's too much praise to be had in a single review.

Baldur's Gate 3 is without a shred of doubt one of the best games I've played in my life. Period. Why however? Well...

There's just too much to even say. Where do I even begin?

In simplest regards it excels in almost every aspect of the game, from the integration of its combat from 5e tabletop to the narrative points, Origin characters, interactions with the world itself and the sheer depth and detail in each corner bringing life to the mystical world of Faerun. There's moments where you'll be shocked at just how much that thought of in regards to player choices and your interaction(and exploitation) of its mechanics. It reflects on the past entries of the same name and bring new life all the same. The music is phenomenal, its beautifully faithful, and man it solidified Larian Studios once again as a studio I will place all my faith into. Divinity Original Sin: 2 was already amazing, but to produce something like this, with such a grandiose scale and so many expectations... and to blow it out of the park? We've become all too familiar with games coming out.. unfinished and painfully mediocre but Baldur's Gate 3 time from early access to full launch is something else.

What problems it does have, and of course, inevitable bugs with a game of its size takes absolutely nothing away from it at all in the end.

If you're an RPG fan and even remotely like turn-based games, you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing this game. Yes, that is how good Baldur's Gate 3 really is. Its a perfect video game with flaws. This is what it means to have a passionate team that truly cares about making a good game first and foremost, and will do anything to achieve that.

Can't even begin to fathom to put it into words. One of the best things I ever played in my life. I cannot understand how I put it off for this long. Masterpiece.

"Would you kindly, powerful phrase. Familiar phrase?"

This game was so insanely good game from start to finish. I know I'm late to playing this game compared to other people but it always freaked me out growing up. Now as an adult: It still freaks me out, and rightfully so. The game beautifully meshes this survival horror feeling with gameplay that has aged like the finest of wine, and to top it off, the story was impeccable from start to finish.

Following the main character, Jack, as they explore this dystopian city built on so many ideas from Andrew Ryan and watching it all unravel at the seems that were visible from the start. The prominent characters were great, the gameplay despite how old this game is was amazing and sleek, the set design overall throughout the game was stellar, and the voice acting was phenomenal. Finally, usage of audio logs throughout game gave further clarity in this wonderful spectacle of Rapture. Its so obvious why people give its sequels a hard time now: What can top this? Bioshock's only detriment is how hacking minigame works but even that slight against it isn't enough to diminish its score: This game is worth all its praise, its about as close as you'd get to a game being perfect. What is captured in this densely packed about 12 to 14 hour playthrough is nothing short of a marvel and Bioshock truly is cemented as one of the many best video games of all time.

Easy to see why this series became what it is from atmosphere to combat itself but man from dated level design, mechanics, and bosses if DMC2 didn't exist this would easily be the worst

The difference between 1 and 3 from gameplay to story is insane. 1's only redeeming quality is the atmosphere, beyond that 3 has it beat in every possible way tenfold. Crazy step up in right direction

Bioshock 2 is a damn good sequel. I remember hearing how divisive of a sequel it is(or was, and sequels being controversial isn't anything new) and after finally finishing it after just beating the first.. It's definitely understandable.

The combat was phenomenal, if there's anything to be said first, its that the combat to me without a shadow of doubt is better than Bioshock 1 in virtually all facets. Allowing you to dual-wield a weapon and plasmids, streamline tonics and making you feel as powerful as the character you play as. It was so fun it was hard to put the game down at times. The level design was a bit more.. brighter, slightly more expansive than Bioshock 1, and the horror elements perhaps may of slightly faded because of the difference in who you're playing as; Jack for the most part is a normal human(..sorta), in this game you play as a gigantic, prototype Big Daddy you were running away from in its prequel.. kinda hard to scare you like that. Still, some levels still capture the horror aspect, namely Fontaine Futuristic which I was pleasantly spooked by.

But of course the biggest comparison is this one: How is the story compared to 1? Very, very good from a overall plot standpoint and yet... I don't think the characters were nearly as strong to me. It is very, very hard to beat Andrew Ryan, Frank Fontaine, Atlas, and one of the best video game twists of all time. What Bioshock 1 may of lacked in... immediate narrative and 'in-your-face' plot, in comparison to Bioshock 2 very direct plot, it made up for it in atmospheric designs and watching as everything unraveled in the story around you as you were brought into this utopia completely unknown to you called Rapture and and exploring its halls and seeing its habitants and realizing all the wrong about this purposed Eden was evident since the beginning.

Bioshock 2 took a more hands-on approach, you knew what you were doing, you more or less knew who you are, and there was no apparent twists in its plot. It was much more clear and evident and because of that it felt stronger in that regard. It doesn't leave much for interpretation though there is some to be had, namely with the two Lambs and Subject Delta themselves, along with the voice that guides you along, Sinclair. I found myself gripped with the story as much as I was with Bioshock 1 but.. there was no lingering, "Wow." factor afterwards. What Bioshock 1 did in terms of its story made it very hard to beat it twice. You cannot always knock it out of the park with characters, and while they were very good, especially compared to any other game... they weren't as good as Bioshock 1.

I absolutely loved Bioshock 2, its combat was the best out of the two, its level designs was as good, and its story was very good and touching at the end of it all. Its an amazing sequel but Bioshock 1 still deserves the crown as the best.

While much more easier to play than Dante, Nero nonetheless is a very fun character to use even if it isn't nearly as satisfying to pull off things with him. Storywise, while DMC3 was much more "grand" in the sense of the story of Dante vs Vergil, Nero's quest to get himself a girlfriend wasn't so bad either. Few flaws such as copy pasting of stages and whatnot but that's nothing new for the DMC series honestly.

The ultimate love letter to the series with an ending that leaves room for another entry in the distant future. From the more prevalent and engaging story, with Vergil coming into terms with what who he is and his nightmares that once haunted him, constant callbacks to the roots that built this game into what it is, wonderful graphics, the gameplay continuously improving as the series grew(We'll ignore 2) with the spin of V being a summoner and so much more. What flaws DMC5 may have(Pacing nearing the very end) doesn't diminish the quality of the game in the slightest.

There shouldn't be an argument on what's the best DMC game: It's easily 5. The real argument lies in what's the second best.