First time i genuinely enjoyed a visual novel. Great voice acting, art style and gameplay.
Ln'eta > Nyanlathotep > Estir

I'll say it...Angry Birds Epic is better

I go outiside you know? I don't need to play a mediocre puzzle game just to get some png demon waifus

Congratulations Ubisoft! I couldn't feel a single emotion while playing this!

I genuinely can't comprehend how someone can play this 24 hour long game and say they enjoied it, i finished this with 3 friends and i couldn't believe I completed it. The story is a joke, the gameplay is uninspired and i still can't understand the apeal of these shallow openworld games where half of the gameplay is mindlessly travelling from waypoint to waypoint

Is the gameplay better than the first one? Yes, but that wasn't hard to achieve.
I just can't stand the anime writting combined with the boring gameplay of smashing square and occasionally triangle

yo, what if we made a game about exploring but everytime you wanted to explore something, you would have to wait for it?
The music does sound beautifull and the planets are really cool looking, but it really didnt exited me to wait to explore just to get some exposition so the game could stop my exploring by reseting itself.

Just /muteall, the game gets significantly better. I still play this from time to time, but after playing this game for four years, I dont even feel anything for it anymore

it's simple, just skip the human dialogue and read the demon dialogue, the game gets significantly better

I've always heard that this game was a masterpiece, but playing it for the first time, I realized that it's actually quite mediocre and boring. The first 5 colossus are cool and I felt like I was discovering a new world, but there came a time when there was no reason for me to pay attention to my surroundings, I just looked where I had to go and followed the light. This game also makes the player wait a LOT, you wait for the colossus to hit the platform, you wait for the colossus to walk to the geyser, you wait for it to hit the pillar, there are many moments in this game where you can just let go of the controller and nothing will change, because the gameplay is to hold triangle till you get to the boss, wait for it to do something and wait so you can click R2 a few times.

wanted to unlock the witch girl but realized it would take too much grind and i didn't care enough about it to play for more than 2 hours

The world might be beautiful and the enemys design are amazing, but the progression in this game is boring and not rewarding, the humans in the story have the same level of emotion as the robots, everyone is a dead husk. In the end, i don't hate it, its just another open world AAA game with a nice coat of paint. A preaty meh game.

If this was a website about rating game cover arts, it would be a 5/5, i really like it, but the game is just a soulless atempt in creating a compeling story, its also really funny to hear Aurora tell me about the darkness, 3.5/5 heartless stars