Games Everyone Likes That I Don't

Trend schmend. Games everyone seems to like for some reason that I cannot stand.

I have never played a game more afraid to be a game. A platformer where you can't move freely. A game that occasionally offers insights into something fun only to rip it away when the designated challenge area is cleared. Not offensively bad, but just really boring outside of Kawaii Kittay memes.
Calling FF8 widely beloved is a bit of an overstatement considering its status as the most-lukewarm Final Fantasy game, but I've seen enough praise of its incompetent mediocrity to rag on it here at the very least. FF8 is a game, even in a modern translation in a remaster, that is completely unable to convey how its basic mechanics work--with the Junction system being needlessly convoluted and poorly explained, and by the time the player has figured out how to use it, the system breaks the game. It's a whole mess, which isn't even counting how dull and lifeless the main cast is.
Definitely the least deserving of being on this Big Hater list by virtue of it not being bad in any way. I just don't like survival games and my friend forced me to play this while blasted for like three hours and it was completely miserable. Not for me, sadly.
A really stellar story smothered by the asinine decision to make a... platforming RPG. Anyone who thinks progress in a platformer should be decided by EXP instead of skill is a buffoon. This has no business being a platformer, if it was iterating on the gameplay of the prior two installments it would be considered one of the best RPGs of all time.
Xenoblade 2 makes all the anime fantasy schlock garbage narrative choices that Xenoblade 1 expertly avoided. While 1 is just a classic Hero's Journey type-deal, 2 is just the worst of anime garbage with some of the most viscerally unappealing and ridiculous character designs I've ever seen.
"Look at all these story choices!" motherfucker if you make a (wrong) choice the game just sends you back after getting a bad end. What is even the point of having multiple story choices if there's only one right answer and the rest give you a game over? Also the combat is mid as hell and refilling MP is such a pain that it destroys what little appeal is there.
A morally hollow game that wants to be 2deep4u but fails by actively contradicting itself all the goddamn time. A game about how being a social outcast sucks but lol those goddamn queers amirite. A game whose opening chapter is all about how adults that sexually exploit children being bad only for the underage female cast to be constantly exploited for juvenile fanservice. A game that says teachers grooming students is bad and then lets the teenage main character date a teacher. If your game is longer than 20 hours you really have to make it worth my time; Persona 5 is over 100 hours and most of that is wasted time.
Half of a good game stuffed between Seymour Guado's giant tits. Seriously, what a terrible antagonist. You can tell they were proud of him cause the first time you kill him he does a Jesus pose. Also the combat is clunky and boring as fuck and every area is a hallway.
Menus are really noxious and way too long. I'm an open-world hater so this was never gonna appeal to me, though I do like the writing. Just too long.
I don't vibe with it lol. No real issues that bothered me, I just don't find anything it's doing to be interesting.
Oh boy, I sure do love looking at mud all the time and clicking on a place for my characters to slowly jaunt to. Each character save for Lae'Zel is just hopeless waifu/husbando bait shit that I (as an asexual) cannot fucking stand. Also D&D 5e's combat system sucks and the last thing I want to do is play an inflexible game version of that. There's a reason whenever I run 5e I make combat mostly just roleplay shenanigans.


2 months ago

I agree on Witcher 3. I dont agree on FF8 and I especially dont agree on BG3. Guess overall, I just dont agree
p5, automata and ffx huge disagree. xenoblade 2 agree

2 months ago

I may not agree with many of these, but I will always show respect to a fellow Seymour hater.

29 days ago

hard agree on p5 and super paper mario, it's a good thing i haven't played the other ones then

28 days ago

it's always puzzled me how P5 has such a strong start but then the rest of the game is the most milquetoast approach to the themes it presented in the first place and like you mentioned directly goes against these themes at points.
apparently the game had like 15 writers or more as opposed to p3/4 that only had like 2-4 writers which is why the writing feels all over the place and we can also assume they weren't letting hashino do what he wanted to do for the game considering how strong it starts and how it falls off as the game goes on (which is why im excited for Metaphor ReFantazio), but i think the issue goes deeper than that and it was really just an over bloated mess with no direction. still a really fun game imo though.
i hear royal is a major improvement but i cant vouch for that personally.

28 days ago

@Huss - Solid analysis. Though I feel in the attempt to make a 100+ hour game any attempt at coherent writing is going to start falling apart at some point. From what I understand, P5R doesn't seem to actually fix any of the moralizing hypocrisies the original makes, but I also haven't (and will not) play P5R. Good day to you.

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