13 reviews liked by Kiryu422

God of Snore Ragnarock Me to Sleep

I would like to start off by saying anyone who thinks City or any other asylum game is even comparable to this one is mentally insane and needs to check themselves into Arkham Asylum. Second thing, this game is amazing, everything they learned from the first 2 comes into play in its final game in the arkham world(suicide squad is not a thing). The biggest complaint I saw about this game is how the batmobile is overused, ok bro, dont use it, glide around Gotham bitch.

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Batman: Arkham city is an incredible sequel to an already beloved game. It starts off with an alarming intro that Hugo Strange has discovered the identity of our beloved vigilante with no warning, you are thrusted into a prison where you have to escape by defeating Penguin and his goons in a wonderful tutorial to reach the Suit. It improves on almost everything Asylum does minus the fantastic atmosphere Asylum has. Combat is faster, more responsive, and overall more satisfying. The addition of an open world worried me as maybe the level design quality would drop, fortunately all my worries vanished during the steel mill missions. Side missions are top notch in this game, I believe the best in the series, with the Zsasz missions and the Identity Theft missions lapping almost every other side mission in the series. The beautiful scenery of Gotham being out of reach is incredible, constantly reminding you of how trapped Batman is in this little tiny part of the city with most of the villains of the series. I must include the Mr. Freeze fight being one of the top moments in the game for me as I was not a bitch and did not use the games hints to try to find out how to defeat him. 6 different ways you have to attack him in a confined room does not seem difficult but as someone as shit as me, it was. Finally my favorite part of the whole game was the final buildup to hugo strange "fight". Slowly working your way up a huge tower all while the beautiful Gotham City lights dance in the background was honestly breathtaking. 8/10 not better than Arkham Knight, fuck you lol

Ran into 3 multiple glitches, cape physics is wonky. Gameplay and side missions are boring with the exception of the mad hatter ones. Its basically batman Arkham City without the atmosphere nor the charm that game had. The best way I can sum up this game is an unoriginal, uninspired mess of an open world game with batman as the character you play.

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Great game, amazing horror atmosphere and the combat is fantastic, other than that, the boss fights were the absolute worst. Usually I never mind the boss fights as much as long as other parts of the game is amazing (silent hill 2) but this one was just terrible, You fight the big guy in the beginning , then you fight Bane (big guy 2) then you fight 2 more big guys and then another 2 big guys and then to top it all off. 2 more big guys, Can't wait to see the final boss, oh my fucking god its joker big guy.

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

I'm giving it a 9/10 but let it be known I'm still saying this is overrated. "does what only games can do" yea blow me. Watch a Fellini movie or something. Does what any "multimedia" experience can do. Fucking DVD menus with the built-in games did this shit twenty years ago if you wanna get down to brass tacks. Multiple endings, interactive cutscenes, the whole nine yards. This isn't a slight against Remedy, just against the people who overhyped the game's selling points (xtxluv15). It's a phenomenal game and one of my new favorites but Gaming hasn't quite had its Citizen Kane moment yet.

All of the musical/rock opera sequences were incredible, I'm a sucker for spontaneous song and dance in non-musicals. That is the difference between an 8/10 and a 9/10 here.

they started playing metal music during the little tentacle fight

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