Trying to get into this game is like trying to apply for a job that requires 5 years of experience.

Amazing game to play with friends, doesn't babysit you and lets you learn from mistakes. Also voice effects and attenuation adds an incredible amount of fun moments when you're getting mauled to death.
Only thing that is missing is an end goal, for now it's simply reaching a forever increasing quota.

I'm in the very early stages of learning the game so far, but it has been an absolute blast. It makes Civ 5 feel like child's play.
I just really wish this complexity came with a pause button that let me really think about my next move. Instead, the games pause button will bar you from interacting with the game at all and hides valuable information.

A perfectly simple puzzle game for players at any level.

Neon White is the ultimate "I want to feel like a badass while playing a game" experience.

It's not just the characters that are cool, but it genuinely feels awesome to enter a level, figure out the right sequence of cards and enemies and then execute it perfectly.

The soundtrack made by the incredibly talented and iconic Machine Girl is hands down the best synergy between gameplay and music. The game just wouldn't feel right without this pairing.

The story segments of the game follow the visual novel formula, character emotion sprites along with voice acted lines. This could either be seen as a break from the high octane gameplay to readjust and gather your thoughts, but for me it feels a bit contradictory to the main game.
Since I have an fairly short attention span, the amount of dialogue got a bit overwhelming at times and I pretty quickly gave up on the story as a result, but I rarely care about narrative in a game so I'll give it a pass for that.

Overall, the game is amazing. If you like platformers or fast paced FPS games in general, it will NOT disappoint.

Best Sonic soundtrack no competition, a little buggy, otherwise an enjoyable game

Takes a great and addicting gameplay loop and adds a lot of charm through the artwork. Plus it's free!

A disappointing miscalculation of audience. The Cosmic Shake (TCS) is a spiritual successor to Battle for Bikini Bottom (BfBB) made by Purple Lamp Studios.

In terms of writing, references and voice acting, the game is a great step up from BfBB. Many of the shows writers and voice actors worked closely on this project to deliver on that front.

But when it comes to gameplay, TCS is heavily dumbed down and simplified when it comes to platforming, collectibles and boss difficulty. Usually, I wouldn't mind this since it's obviously a kids game, but Purple Lamp already created the perfect recreation of BfBB in 2020 that was also a financial success.

There's also the fundamental mistake of thinking the main demographic for a spongebob game is still children. The show was hugely popular in the 90s and 2000s, after that it has been a shell of its former self and has lost popularity to competition from Cartoon Network shows. Most people that are still large enough SpongeBob fans are the kids that grew up with it in it's golden days or played BfBB, kids that have grown up to around 14-24 and don't need their hand to be held in a platformer game.

Overall, TCS sadly does not offer much of a challenge to anyone remotely used to a platformer, but for anyone looking for a good entry game to 3D Platformers and you happen to also like SpongeBob, this is a great option.

The FPS games for people who want to ALWAYS do something, whether you're looting, shooting, running to or away from something. Incredible gunplay and movement capabilities, although crossplay has crippled movement for PC players due to it being more difficult on controller.

While Dave the Diver is very enjoyable for the first few hours, the gameplay starts to fall off in enjoyability fairly quickly.

The loop of fishing for the restaurant and then serving said fish to customers is a fun experience and also feels like 2 games in 1, a great deal!
But after the first 4-5 days in the game, you start getting bombarded with a lot of new quests and mechanics at once without being properly introduced to them, which not only feels a bit tiresome and tedious, it also detracts from the original loop you were introduced to since you now have to fetch some starfish or something as well as the fish for your restaurant.

Other than the gameplay though, the game is awesome! The visuals underwater are stunning, the music is soothing and the characters are funny and genuinely interesting (for the most part).

The game is definitely a fun brief romp, but I'd say the hype was very overblown for what the gameplay ultimately is.

The first metroidvania game I've completed, and it was amazing.

The amount of skill expression and playstyle customizing that is given to the player is large but not overwhelming.

Progression is extremely satisfying and actually feels meaningful, with health and charm upgrades being fairly hard to find once you're out of the early-game.

The story is something that didn't grab my attention much, but that bothers me so little that I personally don't mind.

The only reason it's not a 5/5 is that getting lost and being frustrated with running around in circles is commonplace in this game. Some may enjoy the feeling of being lost in a large area like this, but for me it was a slight nuisance.

An incredible experience through and through. I played this game from beginning to end with a buddy in around 80 hours.

Not a single one of those 80 hours felt like a chore, none of it felt boring and I was always looking forward to the next interaction.

Exploring every corner of every room is extremely rewarding and exciting as well, with even common loot having a purpose. Be it selling, potion creating, scrolls to avoid using spell points and whatnot, it always felt good to find something.

The only gripe with the game I have is that the camera can be a bit of a nuisance from time to time, but let's be honest, what non FPS game doesn't

10/10, will play again.

Great recreation of the Guitar Hero gameplay, with many added QoL features and compatibility improvements compared to the xbox 360 games it is replicating.

The most jarring feature that it is missing (as of Q1 2023'ish, I haven't played it since) an in-game song downloader. Instead you have to download charts from websites and drag the files into a folder which makes browsing for songs fairly annoying.

Infuriating and satisfying in all the right ways. Platforming combined with a heart tugging story of a girls battle against depression.
Art style is great, Animations are even better and the controls are top notch. I'm not even a 2d platformer fan and I absolutely loved this game!

Start your restaurant, set the layout, take customers, prepare the food and serve! Take their money and use it to buy additional equipment for your restaurant until your popularity becomes too much and missing a single customer closes your business down. And then you do it all over again.

A very simple game with solid core loop and extremely basic controls, which makes it a really fun game to play with younger relatives and such. Neat accessibility settings, multiplayer is also seamless and playing locally is an option, which is really nice to see.(seriously, what happened to local multiplayer in games?!)

Wish the game had an optional 3 strikes option, as playing with people that aren't very used to video games in general means our restaurant gets closed before we can even reach 2 stars.