This game is a lot more than just its story mode, but that's what I experienced in my 4 hours and it's decent. The handling is a bit too muddy for my taste and the story mode is a little too easy and has the usual racing game disconnect of me winning all races and the game portraying my performance as adequate and shows the team struggling.
Performance is really good, graphically the game looks really nice.

Started off great but got tedious towards the end. Played on game pass, not worth the full $15 imo.

I wanted to get into the older Zelda games and thought I'd start off with something simple. THIS GAME WAS NOT SIMPLE!

From the second I started it I couldn't stop playing until I had to sleep and finished it the next day. The only issue I had is you can sometimes be confused as to where to go, so I recommend using the map pins for areas you can't pass through. Collectibles and items you get give you the dopamine drip of progression that no game has given me in recent memory.

Face Shrine music is so good.
It's peak. Seriously.

Surprisingly tight controls. Wish there was a PC port. The atmosphere is nice and fighting the colossi was enjoyable.

It's... hard to explain what feelings Demon's Souls conveys to me. This game is obviously very flawed and complicated in all the bad ways.
Yet it's so... charming. It's environments, enemy designs, the world it's in. I think this game is better than DS3
No matter what I write and try to find words in any of the languages I speak I can't. It's nigh-on-impossible.

If you used hints you're a loser


They've fixed the handling. Driving cars feels super good. I still don't care about F1 life or the supercars because they all feel like I'm driving a Renault Clio after the f1 cars.
Braking Point was also decent. I liked it overall but I didn't like that Aiden (MC) suddenly turned into an ass in the latter half for no reason. The end was allright I guess. I still don't recommend buying any f1 games as you can just get them from game pass ~6 months after they come out. Stifle the FOMO a little bit.

Another great game by Daniel Mullins. The game can be split into three parts, my ranking of them goes like this 1>>>3>>2. I'm not really into card games but this game was incredibly fun. I don't really care for the overarching story in-between games but for those who do there's a lot to enjoy.

The tutorials are shit, half the time you're trying to figure out HOW to respond to attacks rather than it being a skill check and after you manage to understand everything the game ends...
The music is the best, seriously.
Senator Armstrong was right, I didn't even wanna beat him.
The story is good, gameplay is bad at the start but good at the end, having to watch videos on how to perform basic tasks like dodging and parrying because the game doesn't teach them to you properly is really annoying. To put it shortly, the gameplay isn't intuitive. Which isn't that big of a con since this shit came out in 2013!

Perfectly fun puzzles, Awe inspiring vistas and great length!

I never played the original and my pc barely ran this game but even so it was quite enjoyable. I don't know if it's worth $60 though, played on gamepass.

I didn't enjoy it. Was too hard for me. The concept is nice though!

It's good but there's nothing to really say about it. I enjoyed my time playing it, though I wish it tried some new things like DS2 did, but I get that they didn't want this game to turn into a pile of steaming hot shit as well. Will do NG+ etc. some time later.

It's cool. Definitely lacking in map variety right now and has way too many micro-transactions for its own good but it's fun. I sorta wish they didn't do classes as things can get a bit complicated.

Too repetitive, too many garbage items and busy looking UI that's overwhelming. The combat itself is good but the morale system is not enjoyable in my experience.