It's a pretty decent game, but not much better than the original.

The combat is still fluid and takes heavy inspiration from Dark Souls, the enemy variety is alright, but not enough variety for me personally. What bothers me the most is waiting to give me the better "ultimate" ability until the last, roughly, two hours of fucking gameplay.

The story is more audacious and has a couple of interesting twists that make it more interesting than its predecessor. Although the ending is a bit underwhelming for me. Feels like just a cheap ending to set up yet another sequel to this game which is to be expected of course.

All in all, a decent game... But it's only worth it if you're playing it for "free" on Xbox Game Pass.

Wish that EA didn't kill the series just to revive it and sell it to my dumbass for full price but unfortunately, I had a lot of fucking fun playing this.

I'm having a really hard time summing this video game up to be quite honest.

Beautiful, gameplay-focused, unrelenting storm of incredible gameplay.

Also, Melina is my wife.

As for my quest to make it through the entire Yakuza series, I think I like 2 better than 1, but not as much as 0.

I really liked the leveling system, and honestly, I think it's the best one yet. But the minigame selection is the weakest yet. I like the battling, and how quick and snappy it is. But I think this is the worst batch of heat actions so far... So while there are lots of positives, there are some negatives.

As for the story... I didn't start to connect to this story up until the end, but I think this had one of the more satisfying and campy endings yet.

This is still a fun ass game though. Classic Yakuza as always and I hope 3 is just as good.

(Only played multiplayer)

Pretty fun classic Gears multiplayer... The matchmaking can be a bit spotty, but otherwise, it reminds me of the old Gears of War 3 days.

This game is so unbelievably bad. Its reliance on dice-busting, casino-esque RNG mechanics makes the game an absolute slog. The dungeons are procedurally generated and all look like weird veiny insides. They have no personality beyond "This is a dungeon.". Not to mention the controls (even for a 3DS game) are super slippery and unresponsive. Plus the stupid icon overworld movement is such a copout and is really frustrating to navigate.

The one positive of the game is the OST... Which slaps, but otherwise this game is no different from your typical dungeon crawling turn-based JRPG. Sorry SMT fans, this one ain't it.

(Played on Nintendo Switch Online)

This game is good because no matter your skill level, you have a chance to win. I like the activity on the board like the item mini-games, that keep the board more interesting to pay attention to. In addition, it adds to the board strategy rather than being some random ass fuck fest.

But it is a bit dated and some of the mini-games are, as with any Mario Party, complete horse-shit.

Also, I like to play as Donkey Kong because he makes a funny monkey sound.

After beating the main story and playing a few online matches, this is probably the most fun I've had with an MK game in a long time.

The story is somewhat campy and VERY Endgame-y, but it's fun, and the story is decent. The new storyline is cool and I like the aesthetic of the world they've essentially rebuilt.

The cinematics are absolutely fucking bonkers and the cutscenes are animated beautifully, but as it stands, the current PC port is kinda shitty and locked me into medium settings, even though I have a perfectly capable PC.

The online functions well but holy shit, the people playing online are incredibly good.

Really fun, and definitely worth the $70 if you're a fan of the series.

It was my first Pikmin experience and I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.

The game is cute and I really like the realistic graphics on the objects that are nicely contrasted against the cartoonish Pikmin and the enemies.

I also appreciated how, much like Animal Crossing, there's a visual sense of progress. The more parts you get, the more your rocketship (The Dolphin) starts to come together.

But unfortunately, I think the Pikmin AI is absolutely awful and I feel like I spend more time fighting with them than I do working in some sort of symbiotic relationship.

All in all, if you want a short game to experience while drinking your coffee on Sunday mornings, this is the one.

Compared to the other two main entries...

This one ain't all that great.


I didn't think that the original game could get better, but wow... Separate Ways makes the game a 11/10

Separate Ways adds several different gameplay changes, to slightly challenge the original. Ada's grappling hook adds new ways to traverse the map as well as ways to melee enemies from a long distance, and even remove shields from enemies.

Plus going through the abridged version of the game from Ada's perspective provides interesting context to the story you experience in the base game.

If you enjoyed Resident Evil 4 Remake, you will certainly enjoy this.

It was a great experience, but is definitely overshadowed by 0.

Tons of jank enemy boss fights, and missing features from 0 as well.

But you can't deny that classic Yakuza experience.

Absolute brilliance. A true achievement in the video game medium.

It's a great game. The music is fantastic, the gameplay is fun, the story is great (minus some goofy dialogue and slight repetition), and it's infinitely replayable.

This is the definitive way of enjoying Persona 5.