Like Icarus the game devs flew to close to the sun

Gameplay was pretty boring and the story wasn’t interesting enough to make up for it

Gamefreak please spend more than a year developing a game

I played through the game but found that no grinding or side quests really mattered till post game. Then it was just boring acquiring of materials to have the assistant build for me.

Very cute game with fun characters and gameplay. Towards the end of the game I was pretty bored with managing my villagers and the story.

Great deck building rogue-lite game. Easy to pick up for on the go gaming too

Good new take on Pokémon games, but every battle was incredibly easy. Gamefreak needs to step it up

I have bought and played this game for every major console I’ve ever owned. I’ve probably played this game more than any other RPG and I still can see myself picking it up and playing it again.

Fun game. But definitely a paywall or major time grind for new players to get decks to compete with long time players. Some variants are fun for the cards but many of them are trash.

Best rogue like game of all time. No question.

They should just focus on the siege and army building aspect of this game and drop the rest. I would give this game 5 stars if it was just that.

Fun game for couch co-op with the gf

Turn off your brain and play this game.

Fun game. Very large map. Felt very limited story wise. But character customization was top tier and so was combat.