2022 Games

Games I Played released in 2022 (ordered from when i played them)

Valkie 64
Valkie 64
for a $5 zelda clone it could be A LOT worse. there's a ton of promise in this game, and i had a good time beating it
Gungrave G.O.R.E
Gungrave G.O.R.E
tbf i only played for around 2 hours. But it's a third person shooter disguised as a character action game. And the main chunk of gameplay "I" experienced was shooting enemies with pistols that auto aimed for me. Kinda felt like I flashed back to 2009 xbox360 gaming
I had my fun with it. I completed the first battlepass. I went back to film and only ran into people with 500+ wins, the skill creep is real. this game just didnt replace smash for me-and i dont see it ever doing that honestly
Mario Strikers: Battle League
Mario Strikers: Battle League
Ive played this game online and with 7 other people in the same room as me. And the novelty of it wears off after 2 games MAX. Shame, but even after adding 2 new maps and 4 new characters it still feels incredibly empty for a $60 title. sadge
Gundam Evolution
Gundam Evolution
This game has no business being as fun as it is. Y'all missed out picking Overwatch 2 over Gundam. This game is "why not just make every character overpowered and obnoxious" and i love it for that
I don't have 80pages to write a dissertation to explain what Soulstice IS. But i'll just say that this game gets worse in more and more confusing ways as it goes on. There is a really good- like a REALLY GOOD game buried in this mess. Just questionable decision after questionable decision left me with more frustration than enjoyment
DNF Duel
DNF Duel
came out on my birthday, and i really wanted to like it. Bare bones. nothing outside of a short arcade and multiplayer. And I just didnt enjoy playing any of the characters. even worse, I fing hated losing to all of the characters in this game- incredibly rage inducing for me
I thought I had my fun and was done with this. But i just played a round after the new patch and got 8th by spear tackling a guy off the map into the oceans below- killing us both. I then laughed so hard I cried. maybe i'll get back into it
Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight
Updates (including the Resident Evil one) I like this game. And i liked exclusively playing as resident evil characters. Ada Wong is fun and so is Wesker. fun game :3
Knightfall: A Daring Journey
Knightfall: A Daring Journey
Probably my favorite BR. silly, fun, and had a good amount of skill involved. shame the player based died as quickly as it formed. o7 i'll never forget you, April Fools joke that was way better than it should've been
Omega Strikers
Omega Strikers
3v3 league of legends air hockey. I still think that bruisers (or bullies, or whatever the assassin characters who just fight and dont interact with the puck are called) make the game very lame. But when you get in the groove, you're in the groove and the game is fun
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide
it's a good game. well. the gameplay loop is good. the art is good. the sound is good. the act of playing the game is good. the game is NOT optimized. the frames drop constantly, my computer turns into a microwave oven if the settings are anything but muddy dogshit. wish it ran better- but it runs well enough to still be fun with my friends
Resident Evil Village: Winters' Expansion
Resident Evil Village: Winters' Expansion
Rose's campaign is good- but short. Playing the OG campaign in 3rd person is a fun novelty. And the new mercenary characters are fun. I think this is worth $20, but im not sure it really adds to the Resident Evil 8 experience. Like, this could have never been released- and nothing would have been lost imo
This Way Madness Lies
This Way Madness Lies
the first time a zeboyd game was so glitchy and buggy. had to restart the playthru because i got hardlocked. however, the gameplay is still really good, and the music is really good, and the art is really good. The writing is still that weird quirky 2010 "zomg teh lolz" style- which isn't great. Hopefully i wont get bugged out of progression on my second attempt cause i usually love these guys and their games
Heaven Dust 2
Heaven Dust 2
heavily inspired by Resident Evil titles. It was that "im bored in early january and wanna play a NEW game" purchase. it's fine for what it is
Digimon Survive
Digimon Survive
i love digimon and i love turn based strategy rpgs. This game's gameplay is really one dimensional. and the story just goes in circles. spent 12 hours in this game, and i dont care about a single character and even on a harder difficulty none of the very limited battles were ever challenging (they were straight up dull). As someone who quote an embarrassing amount of the Digimon Movie, this game makes me sad
Super Kiwi 64
Super Kiwi 64
100%'d this in 45minutes. good mechanics, wished it was longer... so much so that even with the game being $3 it's hard to say if it's worth 45minutes tbh
Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Frontiers
idk why this game is fun. it has no right to be fun. but it is. It's sonic adventure but you only play as sonic. Then they went ahead and threw in all those bizarrely reskinned levels from the adventure games, unleashed, and generations- and they're still fun
Marvel Snap
Marvel Snap
As a multi time legend Hearthstone player- i messed up a bunch of people. after a couple dozen wins of playing around Iron Man and the Hulk, i got bored. I watched my friend who is 60+ hours deep play, and he had a ton of cool cards and played against a bunch of interesting decks. I really wish it didnt take so long to see that kind of action
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
Very fun game. haven't beat it yet, but i'm 16hours in and still having a fun time. I like turn based strategy rpgs. I also like paladins. and big women with even bigger warhammers who happen to be paladins in turn based strategy rpgs
fun, cute, and short platformer. it's great for what it is
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
I bought a whole ass new computer to play this and it still ran like crap. In replaying a small section of it for a video i think I might enjoy it if I really went back in and TRIED to like it... but i dont wanna deal with all these classes and all this gear and the game still runs poorly anyways
Metal: Hellsinger
Metal: Hellsinger
i bought this game because of the System of a Down vocalist being in it. Makes sense they save 'em to the end, but fair enough. Fun gameplay loop with good music. Kinda wish the game was more than it was- felt very "safe". still fun
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion
It's mechanically better than the psp game. and i love that psp game
When this game gets out of early access and is in a finished state- it'll be one of the best indies of all time. It just is a modern day version of Starfox, and it does exactly what it wants to do- perfectly.
Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors
Slowly added content- going from just 2 levels and a handful of achievements to having over a 100 achievements and around 8+ levels and a crap load of characters and items
The King of Fighters XV
The King of Fighters XV
Even bought the Mark of the Wolves characters to try and find someone I liked playing. Real shame I didn't click with this game (realer shame it cost me $70 to find that out)
Guilty Gear: Strive
Guilty Gear: Strive
(the DLC) and the DLC has been bangin. New story alongside balance updates. And the characters from this year are, Baiken, Testament, Bridget, and Sin. kinda nailed it out of the park tbh
Cute fox does a Link's Awakening with a stamina meter. the 100% ending is anti climactic and the dot puzzle is garbargio. But the literally 95% rest of the game is fun and great
actually GOATed survival horror game. really fun, just like the ps1 RE games. I liked the atmosphere, the story, the art, the sound direction, the level layout, the puzzles (were incredibly creative), and the over all gameplay.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
They just keep adding content to this game. It's still super fun. They added scaling monster difficulty, new abilities for the players and the monsters, new monsters, new forms of old monsters, new forms of new monsters, new weapons, new ways to upgrade weapons, and just recently new ways to upgrade the new ways to upgrade weapons. also by dog has an automatic crossbow mounted on his back and that's sick as hell
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Probably Game of the Year. It feels like it came out so long ago, but this game left a pretty strong cultural impact for a while. Even now there are tons of videos, fan art, and theories flowing around it. And lets not forget that a mythological HERO was born in Let Me Solo Her. It really felt like everyone was playing Elden Ring, it brought in a whole new audience to experience a souls game unlike anything they'd ever seen before


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