Game is five stars but this is a spineless ass port, it retailed for almost 80 bucks for nooo god damn reason, its from 2013 !! Remastered retailed for 60 was quickly reduced to 50 and averaged about 30 for years. Why the hell should this be 70 or 80?? Just shoot me

I buy this fucker on every platform it releases on, im the sole reason this is being shoved down your throat on every imaginable device and i like it like that

This was genuinely scary it had British people and everything

My first Zelda and I was never the same again

Im convinced that RE fans dont really like this game while RE newcomers think it’s fabulous

Whenever i have to check if everything on my pc works i boot this

Gave this to my cousin and he fucking lost it

I love the way the chainsaw sounds made me break out in a cold sweat when i was 10

As someone who started playing monster hunter way back when, this was one of the last I truly got sucked into, rise was great, but I just miss that OG mh, nothing fancy just slashing

I love remembering how much of a flop this was, especially cause it didn't have to be. But it performed like ass and the mandatory online moments tanked everything it had going for it.

This was my first game ever

Almost had an aneurisms trying to get platinum in this

I heavily fucked with this and replayed it on other platforms later but the original experience on 3ds was unparalleled

If you pull up to the party without this im out the door

Playing on switch and being able to rewind made me realize i dont have the patience for shit like this anymore