I played this during lockdown and it like lifted my emotions so much. I think this game might just be the definition of summer if you take away the murder aspect. The music? Bangers all around so I suggest giving it a go as I think this game also has the best villain in the series and one of the best in gaming!

It exists. Doesn't do much else, I'd say 06 is more memorable.

There's a few good levels, banging music everywhere then there's like okay bosses. I like it.

Just like Tropical freeze but with less snow. I think Freeze just had that slight oomph behind it to boost it for me. Music? Banging nuff said.

One of the best Switch games ever made, Mario's movement has never been better! It is so much fun in this game just to get from A - Z and every moon/puzzle never feels like a pain to get as this game is just so adorable with its presentation, characters and especially the music. The fact this game houses the steam gardens theme...instant 10/10. I can't stress enough how vital movement is to a video game. It seems Nintendo understands that too hence why Mario Odyssey is the king of Mario movement. Honestly, if you're gonna get a switch. Skip BOTW or TOTK get this as your first game. It sums up what you'll be experiencing from Nintendo games in an instant.

Right, Love Spider-Man, first one? Great story, every major character was great and memorable every side character besides like Howard was forgettable and served little to no purpose. This game makes me think major characters are side characters. Kraven shows up for 2 hours only to dip to set up the major major character for the third act who only shows up for like ten minutes then gets defeated by the Spiders in probably the worst suits to ever grace mankind. MJ was improved in this game and I don't see why anyone has an issue with her same with Harry who I personally enjoyed in the story. Problem is everyone else felt like they weren't in the story. The traversal is amazing and literally the best 10/10 feature of any game ever made I just wish we used it in actual missions instead of it being only used for getting from mission A to mission B. Honestly great game but it suffers from Ragnoroks issue of a rushed third act but I'd argue the whole story feels rushed.

what? Who went "Ah fastest thing alive? Don't bother lets make a worse uncharted and a banger tv show!'

Literally the peak of pixelated games. Listen to the soundtrack and try not to give this a 10/10

Reminder: Last time I played this was like 8 years ago. This game was like pure concentrated nectar to my little brain. 'You can play as the really cool fire breathing dragon turtle from Mario!?'. Then I played it...
I left wondering why I can't play as Fawful.
Honestly Fawful is a great villain like he's a 10/10 alone. I don't think Nintendo has realized how great he was. He was memorable, cunning, way too inteligent for his own good and funny! He actually like won as well like he had everything sorted, just didn't expect Bowser to be a mental powerhouse did he? Truly a great game, music as well! Banging. All Nintendo reviews need to mention the music.

Who actually birthed this disaster. Imagine a sonic game but we play the game for you! Here's the nostalgia sonic but he can't move! HAVE A SANIC SHIRT.

The music isn't even good. Sinful.

It's a Ps1 game, I'll cut it some slack but it's still a masterpiece besides on instance of bad backtracking. I enjoyed every minute of this game and it's one of few I've replayed in recent years. Snakes constant questionings of things he should know such as: 'Stealth?' 'metal gear?' 'codec?' are always a joy and totally not horrid subtle exposition. Without this game we wouldn't have mgs3 so like it's needed.

Not much of a 2D shooter kinda guy but I'm a big fan of old cartoons. This game is probably the king of time and effort. No detail is put to waste no bit of animation looks horrid. This is truly a return to those old cartoons you may have watched as a kid. Music? Amazing listen to floral fury, Bosses!? Amazing! I think only the last one was a bit like 'There's so many better bosses cmon.' But still great game and yet again not a big 2d shooter guy but this had me hooked.

One of the best Indie games ever made. In fact, one of the best games ever made! I don't think they'll ever be a game like undertale for quite a while, what Toby Fox and his team accomplished through such a short and impactful story and their cultural impact alone is something that is far too impressive to even tell. Incredible game.

This improves upon the first in every single way besides one crucial aspect. Pacing! The original felt like a heart warming journey between a very eager to impress son and his far too judging/overprotective father and the time we spent with the two bonding felt real and deserved. This attempts to do this with a cast of memorable and forgettable characters who try to sacrifice themselves at every opportunity for either cheap tears or just to rid of the characters for a quick moment. There are some absolutely belter characters such as Oden who I felt lived up to the warning Mimir had given us in the original however the other Gods were either absent or had their characters magically resolved or disappear in the third act which made it feel like the only people in Asgard were Thor(for 3 seconds) and Oden (obviously Heimdall was absent for story reasons). However saying this, I can't lie the ending cutscene did have me sobbing and feeling like Kratos had earnt his path. If it weren't for the rushed third act this would be a stellar game.

Yeah, I get the hype behind this game, Seph is amazing as a villain and used very sparingly to the point that the first couple hours of the game all you see is his sword instead of horrific nostalgia bait flashbacks splattered throughout a 'remake'. The characters in this are also memorable af besides like Yuffie and Vincent who I forgot about like twice. Cait sith was at least like a spy so I remembered them Yuffie just nicked all my stuff and Vincent comes out of literal nowhere. I say that but it might be because Barret is too peak of a character to let go.

I know it's an ancient game by today's standards but this game is a need for any potential RPG fan.

The music is amazing. Listen to one winged angel.