Not much of a 2D shooter kinda guy but I'm a big fan of old cartoons. This game is probably the king of time and effort. No detail is put to waste no bit of animation looks horrid. This is truly a return to those old cartoons you may have watched as a kid. Music? Amazing listen to floral fury, Bosses!? Amazing! I think only the last one was a bit like 'There's so many better bosses cmon.' But still great game and yet again not a big 2d shooter guy but this had me hooked.

I really don't get this game. I like the music? What little of it there is but that is about it! It's like if they made a game based on pure annoyance and slapped a bunch of iconic characters in it.

absolutely stunning game, great characters, great story, convincing world/environment so much to do along and after your journey ends however the gameplay is slightly dated as it is very linear as akin to all Rockstar games titles but even then I enjoyed every second of my time as Arthur Morgan

This went really weird...Like omega weird...
Started off really invested like 'Oh my god it's groundhog day but with twelve minutes!? There's so many fun things I can do! How will I get out of this? What mysteries will I uncover?' To just looking at myself in the mirror realizing I'd spent 5 hours uncovering the worlds most unsatisfying mystery.

Another banger from FromSoftware. Stunning open world, thrilling variety of playstyles and of course an excellent story. The only gripe I have with this is the progression as since you can literally go anywhere you can literally end up fighting someone you are clearly not ready for 5 years before you're anywhere close to ready/level. This game does feel like it was also made for a more Sekiro style of play however I had no gripes finishing the game with this in mind.

Genuinely can't find a reason to dislike this game, every problem I had with BOTW? Gone. This feels like a revamped and new BOTW just enough freshness for it to feel new and just enough familiarity for it to feel like a sequel. Loved the vibe and locations this game had going even if some areas from the first were forgotten the replacements and new areas kept me hooked and wanting more yet I'm 100 hours in and haven't even finished the main story. Truly amazing especially in creativity.

Love the creativity the enviroment and whatnot but to me BOTW just felt empty for the most part. Might pick it up again but with TOTK doing everything better not likely.


I love Hades to bits, characters are mint and genuinly worth a 10/10 based on them alone, their slow but worthwile development through the story kept me hooked to play more just to see where they went with the characters! However, I felt the game got repetive after a while which for me was 100 hours in. Just wish it was more enter the gungeon esc where every play felt like a fight for your life or was an easy cake walk.

It's great with friends. If not it's just really tedious, boring, laggy, bland etc. The modding scene of Minecraft is incredible but that's the community. Just boring in my opinion maybe just not for me I'm not too creative.

It's Persona 5 but more and better. Need I say more?

Loved the bond between Kratos and Atreus. Two unforgettable characters who only grow on you the more you play the game. The gameplay may be repetitive but it's a good repetitive. It works. However the enemy variety does drag some encounters down but the dialogue between characters like Mimir make sitting through the same 5 enemy types worth it. These feel like real and breathing characters which is what you'd hope for in a story game. The locations also feel very grounded which helps set the scene for a more fish out of water Kratos trying to find his way in a world that's not meant for him.

It's okay...even with updates I don't find myself as hooked to the characters as I should. Maybe phantom liberty would change my mind? But the only characters I found myself liking were Kerry, Jonny, V and Misty everyone else just felt bland Npc characters. The gameplay certainly wasn't anything to write home about either nor was the night favored lighting and graphics. The anime certainly surpassed this game in every way.

Story's alright, only played this for the online to be honest.

Portal 2 but with just Glados, Just as innovative as any other valve title but hasn't full branched out into the masterpiece that 2 is yet.

As much as I can agree this game is a little clunky, weird, funky and a totally mind boggling experience. I love it. With dialogue such as 'I live on through this arm!' How can you not love it? Still this game was and will always be revolutionary to the world of gaming with it's still relevant to today message about governmental control of data and themes in general. If you haven't, play this game.