the game becomes really good when you unlock most of the movement abilities, like most metroidvanias/platformers. it's really satisfying to move around in this game

art direction is stunning, really like the soundtrack also albeit a little generic. a shame that i couldn't really care about the story tho. heard the second game is much better overall, excited to play it!

god fucking damn this was a pain in the ass to play, the gameplay is janky, feels like the game doesn't responds to the player's controls immediatly. i can see the appeal, but no amount of good storytelling, atmosphere and music can make up for the horrendous experience i had with the gameplay. dropped The Last Guardian for the same reason, why is it that every game Fumito Ueda makes has poor gameplay it's such a shame.

the world is so big yet so dull, it it painfully uninteresting to look at, i like the effort of panning the camera so we can better see the landscape when riding the horse and shit, but there's just nothing to look at

the game gets really repetitive to the point where it becomes a chore to go to the next colossus, it's just rinse and repeat without anything really innovative and fun added at each new colossus

i do like the artistic approach tho, but ultimately this becomes ruined because of poor and gimmicky gameplay
anyways big disappointment

please someone something stop me from playing this game

i think i set my expectations a little too high with this one, but nonetheless still a great game, tho might be the easiest of the soulsborne games

i think the areas are kind of forgettable for me, maybe because i was somewhat familiar with most of them since i played DS1 first, idk. OST and bosses are phenomenal, some of the best the soulsborne games can offer

this has to be bad for my health. feels like i lost 5 fucking years of my lifespan beating this shit

got the moon berry tho yay!

love this silly little game, simple but effective plot about anxiety and depression, but a little contradictory because of how DIFFICULT this game is bruh. love the aesthetic, really charming, also amazing OST

all i need to do now is to get the golden berries, one day i'll do it for sure (don't think i'll survive the task)

played the shit out of this as a kid on the iPad

the best fucking videogame OST ever


OMORI is a game that stirs up a lot of debate, some absolutely hate it, others absolutely love it, i am from the latter type of people.

i can see why a lot would not enjoy OMORI. i think the main issue is that the game is really poorly paced. you could cut off like 2/3 of the dreamworld sequences, most of it serves no purpose to the plot at all. like, the game sometimes really doesn't know if it wants to be a quirky and fun experience or a psychological horror game
but i am writing this review 1 year after having beaten the game, at the time i didn't notice this glaring pacing issue, i was genuiely enjoying my time lol. if i'm being honest, if i played the game today i don't think i would've loved this game as much as i do right now.

anyways i will forever remember it for how emotionally impactful it was for me, like i couldn't stop thinking about the ending for 3 weeks straight. music is also incredibly effective, like genuinely great, some atmospheric tracks really elevate the experience.

the pinnacle of soulsborne, immaculate atmosphere, leaves a lasting impression on you
remaster when?

childhood game but still slaps to this day, toby fox is a genius

i mean, everything has already been said about Outer Wilds. the typa game you'd like to forget to experience again, but FOR REAL this time, like i feel like for once, this perfectly applies to a game

this has forever changed my life and what i value in a videogame, truly a one-of-a-kind experience, i'll never be able to experience something like this again raahhh. also the OST is fucking timeless.

my favorite thing ever. i promise i will cherish the present time.

my goal is to replay this game the day i'll finally be able to read chinese fluently

HOLY SHIT I FINALLY BEAT THIS GAME. no videogame ever has made my heart race like it did when I finally killed that mf Ballos.