Modern From Software Ranking

My personal ranking of all of the games released by From Software since Demon's Souls that I happen to have played. I am aiming to write a full review of every one of these games at some point.

I love sekiro for some reason that's hard to describe. It's all to do with the excellent game feel. I think the posture mechanic and the way its implemented is pretty genius as well.
Good, but as of now extremely overrated. A culmination of everything both good and bad about modern FromSoft games.
Demon's Souls has a a very immersive quality to it that subsequent games were never really able to capture.
A much more competently designed sequel than Dark Souls II and more consistently in quality than I, but it lacks soul (no pun intended).
Sorry guys, Dark Souls II is bad, and no amount of hbomberguy video can convince me otherwise.
One of the best implementations of "3D Metroidvania" out there, that unfortunately doesn't stick the landing by the end.
A weird game that puts a genuinely unique and justified spin on the Soulslike formula. I love the lovecraftian aesthetic. Also The Old Hunters is one of the only FromSoft DLCs that's actually worth playing.
From Software restored the AAA action videogame. I am in awe.


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