Absolutely genius game through and through, recommended for those looking to get into JRPG’s.

Great return to the RE franchise, good starting point in the series for those looking to get into it.

Not much to say except it’s a great game that exceeds expectations greatly. Play this game immediately.

Right on par with automata but I kinda prefer this one ngl.

Great game, but I probably wouldn’t play it again. I recommend it tho.

Probably the most fun I’ve had with a game in a long time.

I had fun with this one, I even replayed it twice and got the platinum trophy.

Ubisoft fumbled with this one, but I personally enjoyed it.

Had tons of fun playing it, I also broke a controller during play through.

Loved this game, hoping the remake will be good but knowing Konami, uh…

I had fun playing it, really wish it ran at 60fps on past gen consoles.

Extremely underrated game, I really wish remedy went back to it.