I have to say, I am relieved to have finally finished this.

To start, this is a terrrible port, it does nothing but crash and has so many visual bugs. As for the game, it is decent, I enjoyed the story, the gameplay can be a bit janky but I mostly had fun with it. I would say my only complaint is that I feel like the game is too long. I kept finding myself losing interest in what was going on as this game drags quite a bit at times, hence me being relieved to have finally finished it.

So I am not as angry as everyone else but it is safe to say this was certainly disappointing. It became very repetitive and not only that but really lacks content.
Regardless of this, this is a very fun multiplayer game that I can play anytime and I do really enjoy. I am looking forward to what comes next.

This is my second time playing this and it is an overall fun experience, but I only really find myself playing it for an hour or so at a time.

A big step up from the first game with more creative missions, a more interesting story and just all round more fun!
My only complaint would be that I felt it was a bit lazy they didn't bother making any proper cutscenes for the game.

The best of the trilogy! Yet again, really fun and creative with really big mission areas.

It took me a while but I finally got 100% on this. I have to say I really enjoyed it and it was much better than I was expecting. I never found myself bored of the game and was honestly a fun grind to 100%!

As much as I liked this game, I do not think it is a masterpiece. Regardless of this, I would still recommend it to others just becuase of how atmospheric it is, that really is the selling point!

Currently playing through all the games in the series on legendary with a friend for the 100th time!

Honestly an amazing experience, the campaign is so good and compelling and really gives you that 'everything is going to shit' feeling. Great characters, great missions but unfortunately comes with a multiplayer that low-key sucks ass. Only thing I really liked about it was Invasion.

So I finally got around to playing this, and it is great!

The game is quite demanding specs wise so I did feel like I was playing the 360 version of the game but I still really enjoyed it nevertheless. It has great combat and really fun gameplay mechanics. I really want to give this game higher but I do feel it falls a bit flat in terms of story. Like the story is good, but I feel it was a bold move going for a lesser known villain. I found the stuff with Doc Ock at the end really compelling and feel that stuff like this is what was missing from the whole narrative.

Either way, this is still an amazing game that I can see myself coming back to.

Straight off the bat, this is a fun and really great game but suffers from how repetitive it is.

I played for around 6 hours, got the class A licience and honestly had no motivation to continue. The reason I still give it a relativley good score though as it is a very fun game, just in small doses.

So I have played the og version of the game one time many years ago, and decided to give to give it another go.

I had always thought that the remaster of this game was lowkey ugly so wanted to fully experience the orignal experience, and I have to say it is so much better. The remaster manages to ruin a lot of what this game has in terms of atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, it has some improvements but just made everything too blocky and somehow made the flood missions less ominous. I would give the game higher but it can be fairly broken at times which is both funny but also rather frustrating.

Overall, the original version is a much better game from many aspects, and will probaly be how I replay the game from now on after having such a good experience with it.

I have been wanting to play this since I played this on my friend's Xbox when I was 9.

Honestly this is such a fun game. The story is decent but the combat and gameplay really carries the game. It is so satisfying with the finishers, and just how gory the game is in general. This game also got me very intrigued into the Warhammer universe, I really want to delve into this franchise after playing this game!

What an amazing game. I am so glad I didn't play this till I grew up as I was just in love the atmospheric horror vibe this was going for. The gameplay is fun, the Necromorphs were creepy af and the story is pretty intense. Maybe a tad repetitive at times but I still loved it nevertheless.

As somebody who is quite postive about this game I have to say, this season was kinda ass.

Not only did it end up going on for too long, but they added a gamemode that people disliked so much they fully removed it from the game. We got a shit fracture core and the other one is cool once you've actually finished the pass.

What this season suffered from was a lack of content and when there was content, it being pretty dire. The narrative events were boring, and the gamemode you had to play was so boring. It does seem like the wait has been worth it though, as the Winter Update seems to be a step in the right direction.

This has to be one of the best games I have ever played.

The gamplay is such a step up, making the game way more interactive with environments and overall just had really great gameplay. As well as this, the story was so great and they made the right call making Issac more of a character.