I have to say that I am pleasently suprised by how much I enjoyed this.

Whilst not being anything outstanding, Resident Evil Revelations manages to feel fresh and as it tells its story in an interesting way which is accompanied by fun gameplay! I really enjoyed the new enemies and I thought the general combat is simple but fun! I would say my only critism is the humour didn't really work for me and I felt it messed with the tone of the game at times.

Absolutely incredible game. Still holds up well and is veryu fun. I would say my only complaint is that the game started to lose me in the Kashyyyk section. I also thought the ending was pretty rushed otherwise this would have been an easy 10/10.

Whilst quite the switch up from its predecessors, this still manages to be one of the best of the franchise.

Leon is my favourite character from these games so far so straight away this game encapsulated me. It did take me a while to get used to it’s over the top ridiculousness but when I did, I really began to fall in love with this game. It’s fun, brimmed full of action and follows a great story. I can easily see myself coming back to this very soon!

It is not bad, but I used for for a week and a half and got bored. It doesn't have enough interesting elements to keep me playing, but is quite good for keeping you on a good sleep schedule.

I may actually like this more than the main story!

These two dlcs have to be some of the longest I've played but this one is defiently the standout. The charcters and story are great. I also loved the Automatic Shotgun with explosive rounds, I used it for most of my playtime.

A very fun DLC. The story is interesting, the gameplay and added mechanics feel fresh. The idea of a biker gang based GTA game is brilliant and the fact they went as far to add new weapons really made this all the more intersting.

I really enjoyed this, more than I thought I would!

It may be a bit dated in areas, but the game has a great story and I quite like the simplicity of the combat system. I enjoyed the fact that if you die multiple times there is different dialogue but it does get a bit waring having to drive across the map again and again if you fail. The optimisation for this game is also shocking as I had to lock the game at 60fps otherwise it would glitch, cutscenes zoomed in constantly as well as some parts being unplayable.

Overall, I do like this game a lot, even though I believe it could have been a bit shorter. If not for this as well as a few poorly aged attributes, this games would be on par with GTA V.

So it has taken me exactly 2 months to finish this game and I have quite a bit to say.

To start, I just want to say I cannot believe the state this game was released in. My game would constantly crash making it impossible to progress and ontop of that I wasn't able to do the bounty hunting missions till I was 3/4 through the game as they did not work for me until the patch was released.

Now a lot of the stuff I mentioned was really holding this game back for me but I am able to look past all that due to what an absolute near masterpiece this is. The game looks and plays incredibly. The combat is amazing and there is a lot of variation. I did find this easier than the last game so I had to put the difficulty up to Jedi Master to spice things up a bit. As for the story, it has a very weak start but holy shit the last act really saves the entire narrative. The final act of the game was just incredible and managed to push this up by 0.5 stars for me.

Overall, minus the state of the game at launch this game is a must play. It has a lot of moments that warmed my heart as well as a few moments that made me tear up. It's safe to say I am very excited to see how Respawn conclude this trilogy.

The game is slowly getting better and this was one of the best updates yet.
The chimera core is one of the worst halo armours I've ever seen but the Mirage core is great, really good stuff!

I actually quite enjoyed this one, it was something different and I quite liked how you could switch between characters.

The only thing I think brings this game down is some bad dialgoue and a vanilla story.

I have been very busy lately and this game has been very hard to get through and I am going to be honest, I have just given up with it.

This game is punishing to the point where it takes the piss. There were so many moments in the game where I would get stuck due to stupid odds and the entire idea of inventory sharing over two characters without warning is fucking stupid.

I literally got to the 2nd stage of the Alexia fight and I have just called it quits there. I don't have enough ammo or healing items and I just have no drive to continue this game. I feel like I have wasted a month trying to get beat a game that I have decided to abandon. I could easily go back a few saves and probaly finish it, but honestly, I can't be arsed. I have given this game more than its fair share of my time.

Overall, I don't hate this game, there were a few bits I quite liked but it just works off a system which isn't rewarding one bit and only seems to punish the player.

A good little update which put the game back on track, but was rather lackluster in content and should have not been on as long as it was.

I really can't get over how good this game is.

As a big fan of the franchise, I was a bit skeptical of this game and it did take some getting used to but oh boy is it fun. The combat is fun and creative and the game does a great job at making you feel badass.