Currently playing through all the games in the series on legendary with a friend for the 100th time!

Honestly an amazing experience, the campaign is so good and compelling and really gives you that 'everything is going to shit' feeling. Great characters, great missions but unfortunately comes with a multiplayer that low-key sucks ass. Only thing I really liked about it was Invasion.

As much as I liked this game, I do not think it is a masterpiece. Regardless of this, I would still recommend it to others just becuase of how atmospheric it is, that really is the selling point!

It took me a while but I finally got 100% on this. I have to say I really enjoyed it and it was much better than I was expecting. I never found myself bored of the game and was honestly a fun grind to 100%!

The best of the trilogy! Yet again, really fun and creative with really big mission areas.

A big step up from the first game with more creative missions, a more interesting story and just all round more fun!
My only complaint would be that I felt it was a bit lazy they didn't bother making any proper cutscenes for the game.

This is my second time playing this and it is an overall fun experience, but I only really find myself playing it for an hour or so at a time.

So I am not as angry as everyone else but it is safe to say this was certainly disappointing. It became very repetitive and not only that but really lacks content.
Regardless of this, this is a very fun multiplayer game that I can play anytime and I do really enjoy. I am looking forward to what comes next.

I have to say, I am relieved to have finally finished this.

To start, this is a terrrible port, it does nothing but crash and has so many visual bugs. As for the game, it is decent, I enjoyed the story, the gameplay can be a bit janky but I mostly had fun with it. I would say my only complaint is that I feel like the game is too long. I kept finding myself losing interest in what was going on as this game drags quite a bit at times, hence me being relieved to have finally finished it.