I did not care for the godfather

There's always a certain dread I have when playing beloved "classics", not that I care all that deeply about it, but I always have a certain tension when playing them that I will dislike it and have to become "that asshole that doesn't like [insert acclaimed game here]". Whereas with random obscure games there is no such pressure. Anyways I'm not looking to start any fights, I don't usually bring up my dislike of these games for that reason, so I'll just leave a record here and then if anyone is really interested in why I don't fuck with it they can see it here and I won't have to bring the mood down at whichever social engagement I'll be talking to other gamers at. Ranked in descending order of "insanity" i.e how likely the take is to raise eyebrows.

This one is the entry I feel the least strongly about, and I'm actually planning on giving it another shot, but basically I think the difficulty curve is extremely fucked, and you can definitely tell that companions were a late addition to the game because they a) aren't particularly fleshed out story wise for the most part, they have like maybe 1 "thing" they're involved in and thats it and b) they kinda completely break the game's challenge. Other than that, idk I feel like the quests aren't all that interesting and the combat is pretty boring.

Edit: After giving it a second go, I actually liked it somewhat. Ill keep the entry up just for the record, but I will say I dont consider this game to belong on the list anymore
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
I didn't hate aria, but I felt as if my enjoyment with it peaked rather early. By the time I got to the usual "get the actual ending through meeting some obtuse conditions" I was already fairly exhausted with the game. Then I beat what I thought was the final boss only to be hit with "nah you didnt actually finish dumbass" I just couldn't be bothered. Feels a lot more annoying than usual as an igavania
Pokémon SoulSilver Version
Pokémon SoulSilver Version
Loved it as a kid, but I just think its horribly paced even for a pokemon game, which is like being known as a "particularly sociopathic" tory MP
Katamari Damacy
Katamari Damacy
I'm not too sure of the rankings Ive made here, because some of them are not as beloved as others, some have their vocal haters, but this is definitely the game I was thinking of when I made this list. Yeah, I'm "That asshole who doesn't like Katamari Damacy" and I don't think I have much analysis of why really. I played like 2/3rds of it on dolphin before failing a mission for the first time and I was kinda bummed out by it. The katamari controls are unconventional on purpose of course, but it never felt much of a problem until there was an actual pressure to get big in time. And whilst Im enough of an adult to not be completely demoralised by the King of All Cosmos's over the top scolding, it didn't really help. Soon that sensation was back, a pit in my stomach, and empty void as I gathered more shit to stick in the big rolling star. I gave up. I brought this up during a voice call with some acquaintances and I think its no coincidence we haven't really talked since. It seemed truly baffling to them that someone would not play Katamari to the end (its a relatively short game) and I suppose there's not much either or us can do to understand the other's point of view.

Fast forward to a few months ago I heard the Reroll Steam release had a more generous time limit so I bought it and gave it a spin (heh) but I didn't even make it past the first level before the sensation resumed. I was just miserable even thinking about continuing with it, so I just shelved it indefinitely. I can't really explain why, its a famously cheerful game, but somehow it just leaves me feeling down. So yeah, this is definitely my own personal "I did not care for the godfather" moment
Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
I did a whole ass oversharing review of it which you can read, but TL;DR OW is a game of 4 horrible defeats for every 1 victory and it wore me down. It also brings you down with its message kinda cleverly through the whole "sun station" realisation, but then attempts to bring you "back up" through its ending, but I felt nothing, it wrung completely hollow, so it only succeeded and making me depressed. I was admittedly in a worse headspace at the time, but idk. It still remains strange to me, how rabid of a fanbase it has accrued. I also, would like to forget all about Outer Wilds, but not to play it again...
Gravity Rush
Gravity Rush
I don't hate Gravity Rush. In fact, I love its movement system, its great. Unfortunately for GR, games need more than just core mechanics, and in that respect its severely lacking. Story, Combat, Structure, etc these are all quite bad. The most fun I had was honestly just doing races and other formulaic open world staples, but those require doing more of the criticial path, which involves mostly combat and a story written by the world's most extreme sufferer of ADHD (I can relate but...) who is seemingly bored of every single element as soon as its introduced. Banger soundtrack, however. I never finished the game, I got to the peter pan esque chapter and just gave up. This was at a time during covid where I was legally forbidden from leaving my house btw
Similar to Inside. I was mostly miserable playing it, interesting atmosphere but gameplay was really not my thing. I now take back every time ive ever praised minimalism in game design. Give me maximalism now, I want the UI to look like a F2P Korean MMO from the early 2000s
Yeah, this one is mostly a skill issue, Ill admit. I like the story, the atmosphere and the artstyle, unfortunately I kind of hate the gameplay. Inside might be considered a horror game and I think thats why I dislike it. Its always been the reason for my dislike of horror games, the paradox at their core for me. In order for there to be a "threat" or "danger" these must employ the threat of a fail state, but if you actually get hit by it, it inmediately dissipates all tension and immersion, which is kind of where an emotionally intense experience lives or dies. "Oh, thats right, Im playing a videogame" I think to myself, "this isnt actually a dangerous situation, its more of a momentary annoyance" and then any fear I might have felt swiftly transforms to anger, the simulation reveals itself for what it is, repeating a section betrays the mechanical precision and inhumanity of the situation, its like watching a movie and seeing the seams of the monster's poorly sewn costume. I think if I inmediately understood every single puzzle or setpiece in Inside as soon as I experienced it, and made it all the way to the end without dying more than once, it would possibly have been the greatest experience ever. Unfortunately, games do not work on such a choreographed, directed framework like a movie or play, it takes two to tango and whether or not I was failed by Inside or I failed it, the fact remains that its delicate balance fell apart, and I am left envious of those who walked its Knife's edge to the end.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Dull, slow, unchallenging gameplay. I did not make it to the end, but the story, whilst having interesting concepts, wasn't enough to stop the pit in my stomach of emptiness when I was playing it
Though I have softened on my stance in recent years due to funnily enough, a BL review I read on its design philosophy which made me see it in another light. That being said, I hate stealth games, so I guess I don't know what I was expecting, and dishonored seems tailor made to piss me off, where messing up stealth is not only a momentary bit of extreme danger and tension, but also punishes you by making all subsequent attempts at stealth harder. With the ubiquitous quick save, it becomes a slog as every level has 100 instances of "I could try and do this stupid section undetected again, or just live with it and kill everyone, which will be faster and more entertaining". The acting is also amazingly wooden and the story is incredibly predictable. Never have I given less of a shit by being betrayed by my allies than here. Better than deathloop at least


Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Just here as a stand in for all Metal Gear games. The most I ever got into one was peace walker, which is another take considered insane. Again, I hate stealth games, but the metal gear solid games have specific elements that make this even more so, namely "you might as well reload a save if you get spotted" syndrome, poorly edited dialogue that overexplains everything, sickening viewbobbing cause movie, and baffling control scheme decisions. Again this is another take which is apparently very controversial, but of the games I tried (2,3 on vita, peace walker on psp) PW had the more intuitive and easy controls to get to grips with, and thats a game where you control the camera rotation with the face buttons! Anyways, skill issue I'm sure, but I just don't care enough to "get good" or even abuse save states to get through it given what seems to be the reward for doing so. I am mildly interested in Death Stranding, however.


I think I briefly reviewed it, but to summarize, I just didn't get it, honestly. Might have been good had I experienced it completely unspoiled but I'm not even sure. I didn't like the bullet hell combat or the dialogue or puzzles. I gave it a few tries but it just didn't grab me, sorry


3 months ago

Interesting list idea! Fallout 1 as much as I like the first entry I can't help but agree with your thoughts. The beginning is harsh and getting your bearings will take a while. If you do give it another run, I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!

3 months ago

Your view of Damacy is really interesting, since I do believe the game has its fair share of jank, even if it's not brought up often. Got softlocked during the final mission once because I literally got stuck and couldn't get out, so I had to do it all over again.

Your point about Katamari having that weird feeling is also interesting, since as cheerful as the game is, I think it does feel rather desolate at times with the empty spaces (especially in the later levels), but I can't really describe it. Cool list overall.

3 months ago

The controls of MGS 2 and 3 can get really uncomfortable, specially in Snake Eater with the addition of CQC, which is poorly explained in-game and mildly useful for a few situations. Even with the 3D camera they added in later re-releases it was still uncomfortable. If you hold the button for grabbing enemies from behind with enough pression you'll end up sliting the throat of most enemies by accident. And in Sons of Liberty the camera angles overcomplicated way too much some of the mechanics. Didn't know complaining about this was considered "an insane take" tho, it's a normal thing to complain about and a completely valid reason to not like them. MGS/Kojima fans are really loyal to the trademark and will defend it to death, so maybe it's because of that.

In that sense, MGS V is much more comfortable and flexible than those two, specially when getting spotted you have more opportunities to go on instead of reloading a save to try again, although I'd argue it's worse than what came before in pretty much every aspect.

3 months ago

@Detectivefail thanks, and yeah definitely
@Lemonstrade that's unfortunate, though with a game that deals with physics and numerous colliders like Katamari does, I'm not surprised those kinds of bugs are possible. Yeah, idk what it is either, but there's just something about it that gets to me
@paq250_ well, I don't want to single out MGS fans because that kind of attitude is everywhere with cult classics and other games with a big following, I suppose its good that I posted this list lol, maybe some opinions are not as singularly unpopular as I thought they were. Thats interesting about the pressure sensitive controls, I was not aware of that. I also personally wasn't a fan of the crouching controls in 3 compared to PW personally

3 months ago

Funnily enough I always think of Dishonord as the "stealth game" for people who hate stealth. Their is basicly no punisment for messing up and quit litteraly the game where you can just say fuck it and go ham on the enemies. As someone who loves the genre, I consider the stealth tag on Dishonord to be a big fat lie sold to me by the gaming press. I will never forgiven them for it, I still want my 50 bucks back!. Anyway, awseome list. Everything you said about Undertale is 100% based.

3 months ago

This comment was deleted

3 months ago

No lies about gravity rush or metal gear. I couldn't get to grips with the controls in either 2 or 3 and dropped them. Gravity rush 2 is a bit better but it still feels held up mostly by its unique gravity movement, aesthetic and another banger soundtrack like the first.

3 months ago

"Going into aim mode by half-pressing the face button used to fire" is a troll keybind, doubly so in a stealth game, and IMO proof positive that Kojima Productions is a terrible place to work. The only way that design choice makes it to production is if everyone is too terrified of their boss to contradict him.

3 months ago

i really resonate personally with your words on Undertale and Outer Wilds specifically. likewise disenchanted by UT's dialogue and general systems, not even poisoned by "fandom" or whatever. i was there when it came out, i tried it multiple times, and none of it ever clicked and i never "got it".
i also recently started and promptly shelved Outer Wilds feeling similarly worn out by it's general gameplay loop and the navigation itself. its promise of ancient secrets and the nature of language within communities just isn't enough to entice me through the repetition of my tasks and steering that ship; abysmal on both kb+m and controller. i saw through everything the game was trying to do and immediately felt that pit in my stomach like you, and now that i've broken the seal on it i can't really understand what anyone was lauding about it, infact i think it was their praise that might've altered my expectations...
i apologise for just ranting in your mentions Darias, i love your list and i'm curious if this will start an interesting BL trend! running off to read your Wilds review now 🏃

3 months ago

even though i had fun regardless of being absolute dogshit at mgs3 i fully understand your sentiment about the skill issue. plus i agree, the dialogue for the whole series couldve greatly benefitted having non-important codec during gameplay instead of interrupting you

3 months ago

@NovaNiles interesting perspective from the opposite side. I may be misremembering, but the punishment for messing up the stealth and murdering people is increased "chaos" which makes missions harder and gets you a bad ending iirc
@sleepytitan Ive heard good things about 2, maybe I should give it a go one day
@cowboyjosh You may be right, but I think its more so that his team has also bought in to his cult of personality, judging by some behind the scenes interviews I have caught a glimpse of.
@00156 Well thank you so much. Its hard to play games with these kinds of expectations. I think I'm more likely to dislike these "classics" because usually I play games because they seem interesting to me and I think I will like them, but in the case of highly acclaimed titles its more of a "well, if they're so beloved they HAVE to be good" and that's less likely to give you something you're really into IMO. No worries

3 months ago

@LordDarias yeah thats another can of worms the game doesnt really explain. Chaos is only really affected by how many kills you have and even then that threshhold is fairly high. I think you only get ranked with High Chaos in a level if you kill more the 50% of all enemies/NPCs in a level. So you can just murder a whole lot of people with no consequence and really have to go out of your way to aim for the bad ending.

2 months ago

"It takes forever to go stealth; you spend like half an hour just loading quicksaves ... You know, I can't get through, I've never even finished the game. I've never seen the ending."

2 months ago

@HurtingOtherPPl I'm afraid I don't get the reference

2 months ago

It's from the scene. Peter says the same about Godfather.

2 months ago

Ohhh right right I'd forgotten about that part yeah he says he never got to the ending and they get even madder lol. I also didn't get to the ending, but I think thats more egregious for a 3 hour movie than a 15 hour game requiring active input + failure states.

2 months ago

Damn, I should have written "I've never seen the good ending."

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