Gunplay was dated, but still enjoyable characters.

Gunplay was dated, but still enjoyable characters.

The culmination of the original series. The avengers endgame of Sly Cooper. Builds upon the previous games and reinvents them.

Platforming does not hold up, but the characters are a joy.

More like DLC for the first game. A fun time, with a good story.

New weapons, animals, map. Everything is improved from the first game.

Switches up from the first game. Fast paced, needing to swap weapons. Amazing soundtrack. The pinnacle of FPS stories.

A thrilling continuation of the first game. Improves on the game design, and adds to the story of Atreus and Kratos.

This game is excellent, its only flaw may be that it is too difficult. Improved weapons from the last game and introduces a large portion of the characters essential to halo lore.

The classic game. Difficult due to it aging, but still a lot of fun.

Smooth jazz, playing as an ODST. A neat way to change up the gameplay.

Interesting retelling of American history. Neat multiplayer modes. Worth the price of admission.

An epic transformers game. Campaign is beautiful, each level giving you access to different characters. Beautiful visuals, multiplayer was fun. Other game modes were excellent. The peak of the series.

One of the better transformers games. Held back by the dark gray levels and similarity between characters.

Suit powers, aliens, and interesting story. Looks beautiful. Worth a gander.