Still an exemplary story, but falls a bit from the spectacular first one.

What set Telltale games on the map with one of the most soul crushing stories.

An interesting story with a few touching moments.

Diverging from an Assassins' Creed game and becoming a fully fledged pirate game. It is incredibly immersive, and possibly the best game in the series.

Fun shooter, arrived at a time where I realized I did not care that much for multiplayer FPS as much as I thought.

Exo-suits were strange and their zombies continuation was also weird. Fun, but not what I wanted from the series.

Fun driving mechanics, ultimately not for me.

A surprisingly riveting campaign that touches upon the relationship between a man and machine.

This review was written before the game released

Changes the economy to be more predatory. While there are gameplay improvements, this does not balance out.

A fun hero shooter. Ended too soon to make way for Overwatch 2.

A pivotal open-world game that redefined a genre. DLC was spectacular, can be easily modded. Most people have played this game and for good reason.

One of the worst P2W games of all time. Frustrating RNG. Yet I keep coming back. I've played since Naxxramas only taking a few breaks, but I always come back. Addictive and fun.

An enjoyable game that is essentially DLC for Saints Row 3. Nothing new, but fun.

A funny spin on the open world games of Far Cry. Flashy and short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.

A unique spin on the battle royale genre due to building. Ultimately not for me, but I see the appeal.