gerrycore fighting games

i love fighting games

it's a classic! i dont think i should add more to it than that, one of the most influential games of all time and a fun one at that
this game is broken but good lord is it so much fun. it's just simple arcade fun with superb sound design and insane freedom on combos. yeah sentinel is oppressive as all hell, but so what! i play omega red btw
im not sure what it is about this game that keeps me coming back, but it's a similar case to a lot of classic capcom fighters; it's just plain fun. i don't think there's another capcom marvel fighter that gives you as much liberty in combos as much as this game. the stones are a really fun mechanic too. they're broken, but still fun
capcom's fighting game boom allowed them to experiment with all sorts of fighting games. unfortunately, red earth was a little too experimental and just didnt sell. that is a real huge shame because red earth is one of the smartest fighting games i've played and that's because of one thing you'd never expect in a fighting game; the single player. the single player has bosses that teaches you the basics of the game with patterns. you learn by watching what works with the bosses and what doesn't, which, in turn, teaches you the basics of the game and fighting games in general. the cast is small, with just 4 characters that stand out from each other. tessa is by far the most popular because she's the one capcom remembers, mai ling is one of my favorite capcom characters, leo is okay, kenji is such a beast and i love the color for his design. all four are very fun to play and i just wish capcom did something like this again. also mai ling was shafted from ultimate marvel 3 in favor for nemesis which is fucked up
the single most iconic video game cover art. that alone is reason enough to be on the list if im being completely real, but i also want to emphasize how incredible this game is. the capcom marvel games have always given players a lot of freedom but now with the new assists, there's even more to pick from. the hidden characters are also stupid as all hell, but their inclusion is really cool. not much else to say besides it's an iconic game.
the darkstalkers game have always been so expressive and i adore how much personality 3 has. i love how the characters all feel and play, i love how the game looks and sounds, i love the lore -- there's so much about this game i appreciate. i need to get off my ass and play it again on fightcade again, it's just that fun. it's not a very difficult game to pick up, but it is still very tight and has a lot of complexity. this complexity had a lot of influence on a lot of games that would become anime fighters. this game just makes me happy
alpha 2 might be the better overall game, but i play karin LOL. it's such a huge improvement in terms of visuals and music from II. it's insane how much the sprite work improved in such a short time, it's just a joy to play.
when you talk about the greatest fighting games, 3rd strike always gets mentioned and yeah. it's quite possibly the single best fighting game ever. the improvement from alpha to III is even more insane, it blows my mind. the game animates so fluidly and has some of the tightest control out of any fighting game i've played. every combo and hit are so satisfying because it just looks and sounds so fucking cool. and that's the best word i can use to describe this game and that's it; cool! it is without a single doubt, one of the greatest games of all time and capcom really peaked early with the series
this is it right here, the single most important fighting game ever. everyone knows and loves this game and it sucks that there is no legal way to play it now without shelling out a large sum of cash, but man. even if half the cast is largely unviable, that's what makes it so much fun. everything is such a mess but whooping someone's ass with the most unlikely batshit team is just a blast. from the new characters in sonson, ruby heart, amingo, cable, and marrow, to the memorable set pieces in the stages and unforgettable soundtrack, this game was rushed to hell but there was so much love put in it. it's everything a crossover should be and it's just a perfect game.
to this day, i still dont have a third character, i know i play kula and iori i just havent found that last character. i can talk about this game in depth but man i am so bad at kof LMFAO. that's ok i still have a lotta fun with this game and that's all that matters. i am typing this 9/19/2020, WHERE IS KULA IN THE NEW KOF
a fighting game for da beasts
im so fucking sorry, i play jigglypuff and ice climbers
this was my 2nd game i ever played. it's not good at all, there's no depth or even real strategy. it's just luck based; the only way to win is by destroying your opponent's head and how do you do that? you just get lucky and hope the game registers the head first instead of the arms or legs lol. but i grew up with it and even if it isnt good, i would gladly replay it because it reminds of da good ol days. killer sprite work and soundtrack tho!
when i first played this game, i hated it. i thought it was boring and i didnt get it. then years later i replayed it and had so much damn fun and now they rereleased it. i cannot stress enough how much of a blast VF5 is. it looks like shiny dogshit but trust me when i say, it is a joy to play. i like getting ring out victories im just saying
this game brought mk back from its 3D purgatory. armageddon was a nice novelty, but i still dont necessarily think that game was very fun to play. 9's return to format was the best possible they could have made. this game is so fucking ugly BUT it has a combo system that goes so hard. juggling in this game for big heavy damage is so a joy, and they had fucking freddy and kratos in this game bro. fucking kratos, that's so fucking funny. i started having fun with mk again and that's what was most important to me.
this is my favorite fighting game of all time. i hate fighting zero and vergil and morrigan and dark phoenix, and it's my fault for play phoenix wright and hsien-ko but if you can get in there, it's just my favorite combo system to any game. there's so much more versatility than in mvc2 cuz of the combo system and now your assists matter more than ever. and i love how much thought every decision from the character select screen matters. from who you want on point to your anchor, idk i just love this game im just making shit up as i go lol. i can talk about this game for hours but hot damn please give this game good online i hate having to go on parsec to find games
i have not had this much fun in a fighting game since when i started playing ultra street fighter IV in 2015. it's very close to my favorite combo system in a game, i like how every thing feels and i have to say how much i actually enjoy playing almost every character. there isnt a character that isnt fun to play (tho i would do anything to never fight an order sol again LMFAO). and that's what so fun about it. it's a hard game to learn but man is it satisfying when you learn what to do with a character and commit to it. i love this game, i crave playing it since the netcode is damn good and even when im getting my ass whoop i just have such a huge blast. one of my all time favorites, highly recommend it to those willing to put in the time to it
i can copy and paste everything i said about darkstalkers 3, but i'll keep it short; i wish this game didnt sell like completely garbage and canned the series because it takes everything from the original trilogy and adds to it. netcode is still not very good, but it was nice to see the darkstalkers again
after everything i've said about 3rd strike, i still prefer ultra street fighter IV. it's not even a contest. ultra IV doesnt look great, though it is vibrant and colorful, and does pop out, nor can i say the soundtrack is as good (even if IV has by far the best version of cammy's theme). but with that said, i love how big the cast is and how most of the characters play and stand out from each other. i love how satisfying it is to close in on an opponent who has been zoning you out and then absolutely destroy them a link chain and then mix them up. the game has a faster pace than III that i just adore and gravitate to. this was the first fighting game i got tournament good at, but unfortunately i got good at the worst time so i never joined any locals LMFAO (sfv just about came out). this game has a very special place in my heart, and no ugly ryu face can change that
i was so sad that the sequel got cancelled, but i at least have this game. it's far from perfect, the character design and even the voice acting is, hmm, interesting? but the care was put into the characters' move sets. this game made me enjoy playing a puppet character. underrated fighting game and i would gladly put up with the shitty netcode to play it again because it is just that fun.
take everything i loved about 9 and ten folds that. mkx is another of my all time favorite fighting games, and it is also really really fucking ugly. i also found a character that made me actually want to learn the game in tanya and brother the combos in this game are even more fun to do than in 9, which is a game i already have a lot of fun with. man i wish 11 was more like these two. here's hoping for 12 to be something special.
one day i will actually get really good with squigly just you wait. this is a game that went for quality over quantity and it paid off well. we're getting new skullgirls content because of this decision and it really rules to see this game getting new stuff. excited for what the future holds for this game, another one of my all time favorites.
i could take the time to learn kokonoe and bullet, two characters i adore how they play, or i can play iron tager and do an SPD without using my brain.
i do prefer accent core by a mile, but xrd in itself is also ridiculously fun. unlike xx, xrd has a phenomenal tutorial in teaching you how to play and learn the basics and what does what and what not. it's such a cool looking game, there's a lot that feels super satisfying and that's about as much as i can say. cool and satisfying. god sol badguy is such a beast.
i have so many issues with this game, where do i even begin. all the cool shit this game has was post launch, and honestly, they should have been a day 1 inclusion. dragon rush and super dash are both really annoying, as are auto combos which are stupid safe and rewarding, the netcode makes everything not fun. but with all the new inclusion, this game really is still so much fun. combos now feel so much more liberating with the latest update allowing you to tag during a combo and follow up for even bigger damage. TODs suddenly are much more optimal and worth practicing instead of just being a cool twitter combo. the game is also very flashy, which makes it really visually appealing. it's heavily flawed, but still a lot of fun.
it baffles my mind that a game that was at one point a fucking mlp fan game is one of the most intelligent fighting games i have ever played. so much thought was put into it because every character feels so fresh and unique. one day i will take the time to properly learn this game because it is a brilliant game. man. stupid fucking ponies
for personal reasons, this game hold a special place in my heart, on top of it looking vibrant and the cast. good gravy! over 80 characters and only one of those character slots was wasted, i'll let you try to guess who that is
i need to play the older samsho games cuz i love how this game plays. the emphasis on footsies is so tense, you're trying to get your opponent to do something risky so you can take advantage of that and punish for heavy damage. just once again, i wish you had good online so i can actually purchase it for myself and commit to it
the only reason i have as much fun with this game as i do is because zeta has a special that reminds me of hulk's gamma charge and im a hulk main in marvel 3. thank you for being so much fun zeta, you literally are the only reason i come back to this game and a reason i dont regret impulse buying it.
for a fangame, this game is super dope. it does steal a lot of animations from other games, and some models do look a bit rough at times because the game isnt very expressive, and blaze being a shoto is so fucking lame. BUT this game plays so fucking well, it's fast paced, the ring mechanic makes comebacks more plausible and likely, the characters are all really fun to play as well, but is it jank at times. still very cool for a fan game, worth checking out!

1 Comment

1 month ago

I'm surprised KOF '00 isn't that big today, now I need to force SNK to bring back the striker mechanic.

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