86 reviews liked by LuckyRemothy

Kirby's Dream Land is a simple, yet fun game that kicked off a wonderful series! Even though it's quite short, it was still fun to come back and replay.

The main game is pretty easy, tasking you with getting through 4 levels, each with a boss at the end, and then a re-fight of all four bosses followed by the final boss, King Dedede. After completing the game, you unlock Extra mode, where all of the enemies have new attack patterns and some even do double damage.

Even as a veteran of the Kirby series, I still struggled a bit with some of the bosses, namely Kracko Jr. EX and Kabula EX (funnily enough, I found Kracko EX's attack patterns easier to dodge than Kracko Jr.'s).

Overall, it's a fun and short game, if you're a fan of the Kirby series, I'd recommend playing through Dream Land, even if only to see where the series started from.

Cute little game, with surprisinly clean movement and its crazy to see the amount of character that you can squeeze into gameboy sprites. Kirby's dances at the end of levels give me life.

Biggest "flaw" is how short the game is and how easy it can be (even if I did cheese the game by using continues), but for me this instead makes it a nice game to pop in and beat in an hour, without necessarily having to deal with the annoyance that other gameboy games like Mario Land instill by booting you back to the start with their life system.

I played this game over and over and over on car rides. I loved the animal friends so much, and compared to Dream Land 1 this felt so much bigger and more involved. Copy powers were fun as hell, and the music still warms my heart

I think it's a genuinely really well designed Kirby with the exception of some late game levels that are literally "choose a path! Oops, wrong one, you're dead!". Fortunately levels are pretty short so those moments don't sting quite as bad when they happen, but they still probably should have not done that! Despite that, I do have a soft spot for this one as it's the first Kirby game I ever played. I love the animal buddies, the various twists on abilities that they have are lots of fun to experiment with and they're just really pleasant guys to have around, I'm glad modern day Kirby has been embracing them more and more. I'd love to see some of the unique enemies from here pop up again, some of the minibosses are a lot of fun and unfortunately have been entirely lost to time.

Some of the most fun I've ever had.

Genuinely one of the most fun games ever. The amount of parkour tricks that can be done in this game is unparalleled by any other 3d platformer. There really is no greater feeling than hitting a jump in this game that you thought was impossible after your 35th try.

Guess what, I didn't really like this game that much, alright?

What I liked: Jump Up, Superstar is a genuine banger. The fan service was fun and this game obviously has that immaculate Nintendo polish. New Donk City was very cool. The hat gimmick was fun enough although I wouldn't miss it if we never saw it again.

What I didn't like: There are too many moons. Finding one isn't that exciting when it's literally your 700th moon and the last one you found was just like, in a random garbage can in an alley. Stars or their equivalents in previous games felt very rewarding to get and were a big deal. I also didn't really like a lot of the levels honestly. The dinosaur and food ones were especially stinkers. Idk, just not my vibe I guess.

at time of writing, Minecraft has sold around 200 million copies. for reference, The Beatles, across all of their albums, have only sold 183 million.

Minecraft is bigger than Jesus.

Great with friends on a random day for 2 weeks before throwing it in back again.

I still remember the old TV commercial for Smash Bros vividly - Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Pikachu all beating the absolute shit out of each other. Honestly, great way to sell the game to kids - all your favorite characters can fight now! For years, my entire frame of reference for characters like Ness and Samus were "oh yeah it's that guy from Smash". Great game.