This is a childhood classic for me, I would play this on my original Xbox with my Dad all the time. Playing it now, it's no where as scary as I remember it, but it's still fun.

Didn't really push any boundaries like previous titles in the Modern Warfare lineup. Nothing too controversial. Some missions are unique and put together well. Others are the same stuff we've seen for years.

This is about when the Far Cry formula really starts to wane on me. Towards the end, the last thing I wanted to do was take another outpost. I was sick of most things by the end. Most of the writing was extremely lazy, the NPCs felt very dated and stylistically it felt like a backward step from 4 and 5.

I liked the linear approach they had with the story missions. They were always the focus, making for a good shake-up of the Ubisoft formula currently plaguing open-world games. The bosses were great, the game was full of life, and I loved how intense the third act felt. Some of the side stuff needs to be cut; there's a lot of picture taking, base taking, and grabbing collectibles. All of this is fun initially, but it tends to get repetitive after doing the same thing thirty times.

Not as great as the first, but still fun and well made. I wish they actually went for more scares, instead of the more child oriented approach that they took. The ghosts didn't feel as satisfying to catch either, I'm not sure why, but it stuck out to me.

Played this all the time when I was little, but I don't think this aged all that well. This is the first time I've ever completed this game warpless, it was still an enjoyable experience, but it's not as great I remember it.

I was surprised at how funny this was. The character interactions and humor were the best part. The battle system was undoubtedly novel and fine at first, but by the end, I did everything in my power to avoid bumping into enemies. It became such a chore. Most of the tasks in this game are simply wandering around, trying to find an item to advance to the next part of the story. This is an element in every game but the primary focus of all Paper Mario games. The presentation was gorgeous, but the pace could have been tightened up. Some worlds dragged on far too long.

Loved the setting and the color palette. Breathed fresh air into this series. Definitely wasn't as scary as the last couple Resident Evil releases. The developers seem to be steering the series into the direction that killed the series earlier. Lots of focus on action, especially at the end. With that being said, it is far from being a bad game, most of it is very enjoyable.