I can't play as Ayumi Tachibana; the best Nintendo character of all time, so it's pointless

Insanely overrated. I don't think I wanna try any more Star Fox if this is considered the peak.

If I was unhinged enough, I'd say this is the best Zelda game.
I can only count the number of criticisms I have on 1 hand. Angler Fish is a nothing boss, it's possible to soft lock yourself in Angler's Tunnel (even if it's something you have to actively go out of your way to do, the idea that it can happen with just a bit of skill should've been caught in playtesting), the switch in Turtle Rock is completely pointless... uhhh... Frog song is bad... the power-up jingle can get annoying... yeah that's about it.
I know everyone whines about going into the menu to switch out items, but idk I didn't find it annoying at all really. It was much more of an issue with the previous 3 games actually.
Everything else about this game? PERFECT. The other 6 dungeons I didn't mention are brilliant. The rest of the soundtrack is peak. It's unreal how subversive and wonderous the story, atmosphere, and characters are.
If this game wasn't developed the way it was, we wouldn't have seen the legitimization of the careers of Minako Hamano and Yoshiaki Koizumi, both of which were only just starting out at Nintendo at the time, and went on to create even more legendary work.
This game simultaneously does and doesn't feel like it came from Nintendo. It feels like a game made purely out of love because that's EXACTLY what it is.

There's so much about this game that I just hate. the invincibility frame time, the non-uniformity of dungeon room sizes, the 1st 4 dungeons in general, most of the bosses, the animal buddies, the wasted potential of the ring system... but it's not the worst. Exploration is great, the seasons mechanic is cool, and the last 4 dungeons are alright.
Also, for some reason, they made Tarm Ruins a completely perfect area. It's almost jarring how brilliant literally everything about it is.

This game is so unbelievably interesting and influential, that I wish it was much better than it is.

Not perfect, but the masterpiece that is the previous versions is still here.

this game gets too much hate tbh. It's the best multiplayer Zelda for what that's worth

This is probably the worst official single player Zelda that isn't lost to time. There's no interesting plot or characters, the world is boring and uninspired in terms of both its design and its contents, there's no notable music, the bosses are awful, the bafflingly terrible changes made to the game feel and dungeon layouts done by Capcom are just as prominent here as they are in OoS, but by far the worst aspect is the dungeons. They use the same rotating center wall gimmick multiple times in both games, and by the end it just feels lazy. Speaking of lazy, yeah why not lock the boss key in dungeon 6 behind RANDOM CHANCE?????

Playing this game on a public bus didn't stopping me from bawling my eyes out at the ending

This is the real best 2D Mario but y'all aren't ready for that conversation

DO NOT PLAY THE SWITCH VERSION. It might be better now than when I played it, but I remember it having abysmal frame rates, terrible resolution, minutes of loading times, and constant crashes. Even then, I could still see there was a good game buried under all of that