Homestuck fans are cannibals. Approach at your own risk.

I tumbled ass-backwards into the true ending on my first try, so that's a thing that's possible.


Follow the path. The path is grey.

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The part where Eric takes credit for your demo video was really funny in my game because I was playing as a girl wearing a short skirt for that stage so I guess Eric was claiming to be a drag skater. Which, you know, I would be 100% here for if it were real.

At some point I found myself using a boomerang (with which I could lock on to multiple targets) to trigger a bomb that had grown as a plant in order to open a wall to a hidden room and I realized that I'd been playing Zelda this whole time

Perhaps the purest form of art imitating other forms of art. This is a video game that is in love with musical theater and seeks to emulate musical theater. At the same time, Stray Gods can only ever exist as a video game, as the core idea of an interactive musical can't work in a non-interactive medium. There is no way that a stage adaptation could fully incorporate the idea of a "player" whose choices directly impact the sound, lyrics, emotional texture, and in some cases genre of song while the song is being performed. Similarly, because almost every song is necessarily framed around a clash between two or more characters, there is purposefully very little room for other staples of the medium, like character songs, ensemble showstoppers, entr'actes, and the like.

It is an imperfect game representing an imperfect musical and it is through those imperfections that its beauty shines. This is a project that clearly had a lot of love going into it from everyone working on it, from the writers, to the musicians, to the vocal talent, to the artists, that love and passion is clearly on display in every moment of this game.

It is not without flaws. There is a bug that has been known to wipe saves that they haven't managed to get a handle on, some of the sound leveling could have been more finely tuned, and perhaps most importantly, there is one scene whose premise and execution is....very very very on the 'tasteless' side (Aphrodite's Party), but overall this is a unique experience that anyone with more than a passing interest in musical theater should not miss.

Also don't ask me to explain how but Anthony Rapp as Orpheus is typecasting.

In 2018 my girlfriend bought this game specifically for us to play together. We played one round and then broke up without ever having played a second.

The breakup happened over a year later and for unrelated reasons, but I think we can all agree that it's a lot funnier to leave those details out.

"Of course Joselyn has played Song of Saya. She's Joselyn."

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Akane Kurashiki is The woman for whom the phrase "God forbid women do anything" was invented.

She has terminal Supervillain Brain and we love her for it.

Gonna marry a legiana or die trying

I played this game on standard display settings and for about 2 hours afterwards I lost the ability to perceive the color blue. I've been terrified to pick it back up ever since, despite hearing nothing but positive things.

Me: "I sure wish Zelda would bring back sailing"
Phantom Hourglass: "...ahem"
Me: "Yup, it sure is too bad that no Zelda has ever reincorporated sailing into exploration."

"When you're in the Sonic Fandom for as many years as I have, which is, like, 20 years, you see some shit, and nothing fazes you anymore. I am dead inside." - Kylee Henke

One of the most wildly tone deaf games to have ever existed. David Cage's narrative chops are almost avant-garde in their ability to make Every Wrong Decision. Also it's hilarious that later releases changed the box art to the twink cop robot; the devs knew what players REALLY liked after playing it.