such good free to play that i regularly am at the gem cap not knowing what to spend them all on. That being said the game is so insanely hard to get into that after 200 hours i still dont know wtf i am doing. if you like yugioh this is a very fun one but if you dont keep in mind it will take INSANELY long to get into

very funny clip farm but it gets old quick

your first playthrough of this will be the best fromsoft game. subsequent playthroughs tho feel barren as hell since you know where to go and where not to go, the whimsy of exploring a huge world is lost since you dont feel the curiosity of whats inside that dungeon because you already know it holsters an ash of war you wont use. of course the replay value is saved a bit by the amount of build variety and the possibilities for challenge runs but idk if i will come back to this one as much as the other fromsoft games.

terraria but its better (somehow)

if we split this game up in 2 halfs, the first half would be 5 stars and the second would be 2. both the second best and second worst game in the series at once, what a title to have lmao

one of the best stealth games. i love the old pc game esque quicksave and quickloading you see in games like portal 1, it really lets you min max in a very fun way. the most fun ive had is doing a no powers ghost and pacifist playthrough recently. It rlly shows how well the game is made considering you can reasonably beat it with that many restrictions.

dmc is so bad its good without it actually being bad. the whole series (except 2 we dont talk about 2) strikes a perfect balance between corny, cool, dumb and funny as fuck (whether intentional or not) dont get me wrong this game has flaws, but i really enjoyed my time with it and thats what matters.

shamelessly rips off hollow knight. but hey, if you're gonna rip off someone. hollow knight is a pretty good choice.

for every debilitating flaw it has 2 stellar positives. but it does still have those debilitating flaws.

i tried to get into this game so many times but it just doesnt click with me. i really want to like this game tho, i will come back to it eventually.

so addicting i bought it on steam bc i felt bad i pirated it. does get old eventually tho

i bought this game on sale for 1 euro and it still wasnt worth it