53 Reviews liked by Luzuka

Played this constantly last year. It was wonderful. Fun fighting and great boss battle at the end. Loved this game.

All the Pokémon games are very similar in their structure but this was probably my favorite version of that formula so far.
Just a fun adventure with charming character, a cool region and it all looks beautiful in this artstyle. What pushed it over the edge was Delta Episode tho, that shit was raw

This is like if Dead or Alive was made by someone who never touched the franchise and thought it was a porn game with a fighting mode.

Dead or Alice always knew how to use the sexual elements in their fighting games, it was a perfect mix in 5. You want sexy skins? You can have as much as you want. You want to play more normally? You can too. You want just to enjoy how good of a fighting game 5 is? Sure, just go play some rounds in the arcade mode. The story mode was like playing an anime game, the direction was amazing and had so many cool stuff in the chapters and the sexual side never felt as the only selling point. But for some reason, since the beach games are popular people never took Dead or Alive seriously. So how you deal with this? Remove all the personality from the series, try to hide the sexy side (is still crazy how they were thinking Kasumi and Ayane normal outfits were way to much horny), make the simple but complex mechanics of 5 way to much more simple, make a story mode based on Persona Arena Ultimax for some reason and put a lot of bad monetization and try to appeal do EVO folks.

Dead or Alive 6 was a failure because the majors decisions were made with disrespect. Dead or Alive 5 could be easily in EVO alongside Tekken, there's nothing that could make a big problem but they just decided to make 5 without most of the things that makes the series great. Is just sad to see as a fan of the series but at the same time the game being just 5 but weaker is enough to me to like playing for a bit of time. I just hope the reboot don't try to do the same shit.

There's a million reasons to hate activision, but gutting the team that made this so we never get a sequel is number 1 for me

When I began this game I honestly thought that I was gonna drop it and I did leave it like a week or so, but then I decided to try and see what the appeal was, and to my surprise I found that there is a lot of fun to be had. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game with this style and quest design even before. The biggest positives of course goes to the wonderful monster and environment design, and how each monster acts in its own ecosystem and the way they interact with each other and how almost all of them save for one or two reskins were very unique and different from each other. My problem comes from the grindy aspect of the game which makes it sometimes become a bit repetitive in some cases, but I’m pretty sure many consider this as a positive so this may just be my opinion. Overall, glad that I gave it a shot

If there are 10,000 haters of Dhalsim I’m one of them
If there are 1,000 I’m one of them
If there are 100 I’m one of them
If there’s 1 it’s me.
If there are zero, I’m dead.

Yoga my balls dumbass

I’m a Dhalsim main

It's street fighter 2 but HD and complete

I respect the attempt at a different approach to track design with random generation (especially since Codemasters has been guilty of recycling tracks from game to game), but once you've played a decent amount you'll have seen all of the rally segments...and stitching them together in a different order doesn't really bring the soul back. I'd much rather have 10-20 well crafted, complete tracks vs. 50 shorter segments mixed and matched. It almost felt as if they were trying to split the difference and please arcade + sim racers with a single game; as such this DiRT came off a little hollow compared to the more cohesive arcade offerings of 2 and 3, or the pure sim of DiRT Rally.

This game is wild. Really fun time, great story and music, and has the most difficult and devious final boss I've ever seen.

Tbat is the most ridiculous last boss fight i've ever seen but respect to Yoko Taro for the concept.

It's the best. Just a joy to play and string combos together. Also Eric Sparrow sucks ass.

“Are you ready for your gameplay lessons?”
Ninja Gaiden Black gulps
God Hand breathes heavily
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix nods nervously
Devil May Cry 5 sighs
“Yes, Samurai Warriors 2” they say in unison