This is basically a collection of scraps after Mega Collection took all the good stuff, but a way to play Sonic's more obscure games is still appreciated and the art gallery's actually really cute

The perfect encapsulation of Sonic's Genesis days

I unironically like the sountrack and the gameplay, but a racing game with only 5 courses is only going to go so far

Probably the best Game Gear game, as well as the best of the throw-things-at-the wall period of Sonic games between 3&K and Sonic Adventure

I vaguely remember having an ok time with this back in the day, though if I'd played it more recently or had experience with the original Konami games I'd likely be more critical

The game you spend all of 2 minutes playing on Sonic Mega Collection before getting bored and moving onto one of the actual Sonic games

Lot of good and a lot of not good. Glad we have the game, it gave us Metal Sonic, Amy (sort-of), and that killer opening, but it's a good deal harder to come back to than, say, Sonic 2 or 3

(why does this game even have Future gates...)

All the best songs from this game are also in Sonic Adventure. Just play Sonic Adventure and skip this

Love the name but I'm just not crazy for Puyo Puyo (review brought to you by Panel de Pon gang)

Improves upon Gold and Silver a bit but doesn't fix their underlying issues

These games are carried hard by their (admittedly very good) presentation; the actual gameplay is mostly just frustrating.

While this was my first mainline (I'd played Snap and Stadium prior) Pokemon game way back when, I struggle to have much nostalgia for it because it doesn't hold up in a lot of ways on a replay

"Whoa there's so many new Pokemon! I can't wait to add them to my team!" (clueless, doesn't realize all the newly added Pokemon are either too weak, unreasonable to find and catch, or both)

More like Stale Bread of Fire

Highly recommend playing it through with a friend if able

Final Fantasy VI is a truly stellar, almost unparalleled game...which has historically been cursed with releases that always had something wrong with them

The SNES original had a shoddy translation
The GBA port fixed the script but had a poor sound chip
The original mobile and PC ports looked terrible

But here? We got the improved script, excellent new sprite work, and a soundtrack to match or even surpass the original.

This, right here, is perfection.