While it would be reductive to all three games to call FFV the better FFIII, itself the better FFI; each one really is a massive step up from the last. We got job ability mixing, iconic scenes like the Battle on the Big Bridge, and even the series' first real superbosses. A must-play for any fan

The only Pixel Remaster I wouldn't recommend as the definitive way to play its respective game. On its own it's fine, but the much simpler script and easier gameplay stick out a lot compared to the 3D version (which I prefer). Worth checking out still especially if you get the collection, but as a companion piece to FFIV 3D rather than replacing it

The definitive way to play Final Fantasy IV, with a vastly improved script and battle system.

Also I'm not really a "more challenge = good game" kinda guy but you seriously feel the ramped up difficulty curve compared to the original and it motivates you to engage a lot more with the remake's mechanics (particularly the augment system). The final dungeon in particular is brutal here in a way you almost never see in the rest of the series, but because of it the feeling of slowly progressing through it, mapping out floor after floor as you power up your party until you've finally conquered it is incredibly rewarding.

I like the story and characters but the experience of actually playing the game has a bunch of little annoying bits (imbalanced job system, unintuitive world map) that add up over time

Carried hard by the art direction

The fact that it took until the remake for this to become the definitive model for future Kirby games makes the original Super Star feel impressively ahead of its time

Best of the 2D Mario games without contest

The class rebalance and fixing of the infamous final dungeon make this the definitive way to play this game. Highly recommended, easily the best version of what's already the best of the Famicom trilogy

Who on earth thought to make the dungeons like that

"Yeah let's put in a bunch of doors that lead to empty, 1-square wide rooms" - words by the utterly deranged

Best way to play this game, viewable maps fix EVERYTHING and the redone soundtrack is stellar

Pretty fun though there's some definite Old RPG jank

Fun little adventure. Simple story with archetypal but lovable characters, and despite that probably the best final boss in the series?

What other rpgs have your party options be:
- Your own wife and kids
- A pack of wild animals

It's crazy to look at the credits for this game, and see so many names that would go on to (and some already had) make genre-redefining works of their own. In many ways a cultural moment

More a thematic sequel than a remake (Rebuild of Evangelion being the clearest comparison), in addition to serving as a conversation on the original game's place in pop culture this is also just a kickass action RPG.

The game feels damn good to play, especially on Hard Mode