Sexy hella dopeness game.

Fuck Darkeater Midir

Crying from too much peak fiction

this one of the best and worst games i've ever played 💀

I've heard about Dark Souls my whole life from the internet and my older bro but haven't touched because I was scared of the difficulty, but i've finally got up to playing and beating this and just Wow.

Just an absolute great game all around. Great bosses, world, gameplay, music, and just SO much depth too.

I finally get where the hype comes from and how revolutionary this game is. Only gripes are long run-ups between bosses and bonfires and some level designs, other then that though..

Yeah this game kicks ass 🥶


"There's something behind you.."

This game.. where do I even begin?
I think i'll start this with an emotion this game will make you feel and ESPECIALLY made me feel: Fear.
This game is extremely immersive, and the way the game conveys what Sunny is feeling is fantastic. Some of the imagery and moments in this game are just unsettling and terrifying. The story and it's main mystery is extremely intriguing, and the ending to it all is just insane. The entire final stretch of this game had me on the edge of my seat and my jaw was on the floor.
big boy words aside, the story and psychological horror is REALLY good. now lets talk gameplay!!

The combat system is extremely easy to learn and simple to use, but pretty satisfying! I will say i feel fighting the common roaming enemies is pretty lame and just feels like a nuisance. I mostly just ran away from every single one i saw since there's really no point in fighting them unless they're blocking your path, I don't really care about this however 😹 The bosses are really fun though! had a hell of a time fighting with them, but yeah. gameplay is fun and simple and that's fine by me. now lets talk art and music!!

This blend of two art styles: drawing and pixelated is just SO beautiful to look at. from the vibrant landscape and characters of HEADSPACE, to the normal looking town of FARAWAY, to the horrific and disturbing encounters with the embodiment of grief itself, to the cutscenes and even the menus/huds. it's all just so pretty and pleasing on the eyes. The music and sound design as well is just top notch. Not much else to say! to put it simply once again; the art and music are just STUNNING! now onto the last section and closing thoughts..

The amount of content there is in this game is nuts, theres a handful of endings to reach, A LOT of achievements to achieve, quests to complete, and a route i hear that is more focused on gameplay, while also expanding on the story even more.

and that's it for my long ass review! if you want to play a game that'll keep you up at night with an amazing and immersive story, great characters, simple and fun combat, stunning art and music, and tons of content, ALL FOR $20 BY THE WAY!! then this game is for you!

OMORI is a game that will definitely linger on my mind for a great while. I highly recommend it. (and get the good ending okay?)

Vortigaunts are awesome. Hunters are not.
Very good episode! a step up from from ep1 for sure. also a very pretty game i just wanna say, some of the sights here are nice! it gets a tad repetitive in some areas but i didn't mind it too much. Final fight was really cool and hectic, fuck the hunters though. (did i mention i hate the hunters? FUCK THE HUNTERS) Just more HL2 awesomeness. not much else to say! and story wise wow.. that cliffhanger man..
Need Half Life 3!

Sad there wasn't any new guns like OF but it was still a neat experience. Definitely the weakest HL but still enjoyable. Barney is the goat!

Very cool to see the whole black mesa thing from a different perspective, The new weapons and barnacle gun especially are absolutely kickass! just more HL1 and pretty fun! Adrian is the goat. I hope we see him again..

Pretty awesome. Can't believe this came out in 1998! Not a fan of the gunplay sometimes and some combat areas suckkk but i enjoyed it!

Extremely aged and very balls game overall but it has a cool story and i appreciate its historical value.