It was fun for the first week but looking back on it now it's just huge missed potential.

Peak fiction, zenith of the medium, Best in the genre, Goat swag kino and raw.

My childhood and also the first game I ever played. It was fun! (I think, it's been almost a decade) I hope it gets a remaster soon i would play the shit out of it

Exploration gets a bit confusing at times but when you figure it out it feels really nice, Raw gameplay, Absolute banger soundtrack and the boss fights are just stellar.

Lowkey got a lot of help from a friend playing this but even then this game was just so good.
I wish I could re-experience this game again.

Extremely pumped for Silksong to drop.


A friend of mine was streaming this in a discord call and I immediately asked "what is that?" I had to get it..

This game was great at the time but ever since Eternal dropped this is pretty weak in comparison but it's still a pretty decent game.

After beating 2016 I was already starting to get so hyped for this after I saw all the trailers, I couldn't wait to play this and when it finally came oh boy it delivered, Literally took everything from 2016 and cranked it to 12 and it's amazing. hands down the best FPS I've played the gameplay is just so satisfying and every demon encounter and boss fight is insanely fun, Do I even have to mention the absolute banger of a soundtrack?

Such a fantastic game for real..

Absolute masterpiece of a videogame. Pretty much flawless.

The humor is still great to this day and the co-op is super good, Story and characters are fantastic and the gameplay is so fucking good, Literally nothing wrong with this game. Every aspect is just fantastic. This honestly goes neck and neck with Minecraft for me!

I've played it twice and have the 100% and already plan on playing it a 3rd time soon 🥶

I don't have much to say because like, IT'S MINECRAFT. I will never forget the friends and memories I've made playing this game and i don't know where i'd be rn without it, Will never be moved from it's spot as my favorite game ever made.

Now's your chance to be a [[BIG SHOT]]!

Really good and I'm very interested to see where this story goes, Berdley and Queen are hilarious and I really enjoyed this chapter!

Extremely excited for the full game for sure.