"There's something behind you.."

This game.. where do I even begin?
I think i'll start this with an emotion this game will make you feel and ESPECIALLY made me feel: Fear.
This game is extremely immersive, and the way the game conveys what Sunny is feeling is fantastic. Some of the imagery and moments in this game are just unsettling and terrifying. The story and it's main mystery is extremely intriguing, and the ending to it all is just insane. The entire final stretch of this game had me on the edge of my seat and my jaw was on the floor.
big boy words aside, the story and psychological horror is REALLY good. now lets talk gameplay!!

The combat system is extremely easy to learn and simple to use, but pretty satisfying! I will say i feel fighting the common roaming enemies is pretty lame and just feels like a nuisance. I mostly just ran away from every single one i saw since there's really no point in fighting them unless they're blocking your path, I don't really care about this however 😹 The bosses are really fun though! had a hell of a time fighting with them, but yeah. gameplay is fun and simple and that's fine by me. now lets talk art and music!!

This blend of two art styles: drawing and pixelated is just SO beautiful to look at. from the vibrant landscape and characters of HEADSPACE, to the normal looking town of FARAWAY, to the horrific and disturbing encounters with the embodiment of grief itself, to the cutscenes and even the menus/huds. it's all just so pretty and pleasing on the eyes. The music and sound design as well is just top notch. Not much else to say! to put it simply once again; the art and music are just STUNNING! now onto the last section and closing thoughts..

The amount of content there is in this game is nuts, theres a handful of endings to reach, A LOT of achievements to achieve, quests to complete, and a route i hear that is more focused on gameplay, while also expanding on the story even more.

and that's it for my long ass review! if you want to play a game that'll keep you up at night with an amazing and immersive story, great characters, simple and fun combat, stunning art and music, and tons of content, ALL FOR $20 BY THE WAY!! then this game is for you!

OMORI is a game that will definitely linger on my mind for a great while. I highly recommend it. (and get the good ending okay?)

Crying from too much peak fiction

Absolute masterpiece of a videogame. Pretty much flawless.

The humor is still great to this day and the co-op is super good, Story and characters are fantastic and the gameplay is so fucking good, Literally nothing wrong with this game. Every aspect is just fantastic. This honestly goes neck and neck with Minecraft for me!

I've played it twice and have the 100% and already plan on playing it a 3rd time soon 🥶

This review contains spoilers

Metroid Dread..

An absolutely fantastic game. Just straight fire all the way through, The areas and backgrounds in this game are just beautiful and stunning and the combat and exploration loop is extremely addicting. Everything in Samus' arsenal is amazing and the E.M.M.I encounters are extremely tense but fun, The map is so big too and it's super satisfying slowly unlocking every part of it. Time really flies whenever you start playing this game 💀

The cutscenes in this game are just amazing, Samus is portrayed as a complete badass and it's just so great to watch. The boss fights are fantastic. They aren't bs in the slightest and they all have a pattern and way to dodge every move and it's feels so good to finally nail that pattern. There's a few that aren't too memorable like the chozo soldiers that have spears and venom barf or the ones that have blasters but the ones like Corpius, Kraid, Experiment No. Z-57, and Raven Beak are absolutely stellar.

Until this was announced at E3 2021 I had no clue this was a game that's been a thing since 2005! That reveal trailer sold me on this though and here we are. Definitely one of my favorite Nintendo games and I really need to play more of the Metroid series after this..

My only nitpicks really is the soundtrack outside of the E.M.M.I chase track is kind of forgettable? I might just be deaf but that's what i thought, I don't care though
The only real flaw with this game is that it ends 😹

Currently working on getting 100% and will most likely do hard mode 👍👍 Don't let the $60 price deter you at all. It's a short game sure but man it's worth it. Please do not pirate this game. This masterpiece is worth absolutely every cent. 💯🔥

LyricalFearical rating: PLAY IT!!

I've heard about Dark Souls my whole life from the internet and my older bro but haven't touched because I was scared of the difficulty, but i've finally got up to playing and beating this and just Wow.

Just an absolute great game all around. Great bosses, world, gameplay, music, and just SO much depth too.

I finally get where the hype comes from and how revolutionary this game is. Only gripes are long run-ups between bosses and bonfires and some level designs, other then that though..

Yeah this game kicks ass 🥶

I don't own this game but it's top 1

Very awesome game! Love the gravity and planet mechanics, just tons of very cool ideas and concepts, Music was amazing, just a splendid jolly whimsical time indeed! The camera kinda pissed me off sometimes though but despite that pretty gud game!

Gonna do a short and sweet review just so i don't bore the reader with things they have already heard or seen...

ELDEN RING is an absolutely PHENOMENAL game.
The Lands Between is one of the most intricate, prettiest, and biggest worlds I've ever stepped foot in, and one that's super addictive to explore! I tried to check every nook and cranny in this place and I still missed a good chunk of stuff! I will definitely be playing this game still even after beating it, it's just that fun especially with all the content it has and stuff to do! Amazing combat. Awesome boss fights. Stellar music. Beautifully crafted world. it's all great.
Open-World Dark Souls, It's as fire as it sounds!

Going to get into some real minor nitpicks i had now: I don't know if i'm a fan of the summoning feature of this game. Don't get me wrong, it is REALLY cool to fight side by side with little explosive jars or literally YOURSELF. But it feels real cheesy and really does trivialize bosses. I felt guilty using them on my playthrough but hey, 😹 Also not a fan of how questlines work in this game. It's been soulsborne tradition that quests are pretty vague and hard to follow but i do wish they changed that this game. Having a quest log would help a lot instead of having to pull up a guide!

The journey from a lowly Tarnished to becoming Elden Lord is a memory I will cherish greatly. this game will go down in the history books. absolute masterpiece. absolute rawness. absolute peak gaming. I recommend it 100% and 1000% brother! 👍👍

I bought a whole PS5 for this game a day before, it did not disappoint...

WOW.. Why did i just play this now??

This game was just pure fun and adrenaline the whole way through. Pretty interesting story as well, excited to see where it all goes! Love all the toys you get here especially the bug bait and gravity gun. Valve excels in making cool ass weapons it seems! Easily an all time favorite now, Go ahead and play it if you haven't!!

Sad that chapter 1 is pretty much just a demo. I was getting really invested right at the end but i just got blue balled like that but i'm interested to see where this goes.