I played this game last year(2023) and even knowing the most of the game, the game just destroyed me it wasnt an enjoyable experience but i could not stop playing i understand some of the hate the game received but Naughty Dog made a bold move with this game that in the end at least for me paid off. And the technical side this game together with rdr2 are the best in the industry the attention to details in this game are INSANE and the combat is a huge improvement compared with the first one, this one is way more dinamic and fluid which feels REALLY good while playing. Overall this one is in my Top 10 with no doubts.

The Brazlian dub is fcking hilarious and just because of that this game deserves 5 stars. But seriously SuperMassive Games was really paving the way of their style with this game. I really enjoyed it just as i enjoyed most of the Dark Pictures Anthology games

If you remove the Harry Potter's elements of this game whats left? A mediocre open world with dozens of pointless world activites to be done and the main story wasnt even good, the sebastian side quest was 1000x better than the main campaing. Its a cool HP game for fans but a mediocre game overall and i say this beeing a HP fan that grew up watching the movies and reading the books.

Its my personal GOTY of 2023. Nothing else needed to be said. Remedy masterpiece.

I played this game when it first released on Xbox 360 and it was really good game for me at the time, but i feel the gameplay age poorly cuz i tried to revisit before AW2 relesead and i didnt bear the gameplay loop and dropped after 4 hours in. But the story is what carries this game the mystery and athmosfere is so good. Remedy cooked with this one

Cool puzzle game with that gave me some existential crisis while playing it

With this game Dragon age became one of my favorite game franchises, its not as good as the first one but i really enjoyed the 80h that took me to finish the game and both DLC's. The game expands the lore of the first one and add's interesting new characters to the cast(some appear in DA2). I liked the explore every single map and doing most of the side content. The combat was ok i guess, i preffered the style of the original one but they kinda mix the strategical gameplay of the DA1 with the more action orientated of the DA2 and the result was fun through out the whole game. I really loved the game and together with DAO its one of the best and favorite games i played.

This game is just at it's Bioware peak(at least for me, i still need to play ME series). I played this game back in 2013 and i still have fund memories of it. Its the best RPG i ever played. I really got into the world of Thedas and its lore and the characters. I cant really comment about the combat and other technical stuff cuz its 11 years since i last played it, but the game really stuck with me. I want to revisit it someday

I really solid co-op game, playing with a friend makes this game ten times better. Its OG RE4 but with friends :D

This game is so beatiful in so many aspects that i cant describe it.

not a spider fan but i enjoyed this game(except the MJ stealth mission). swinging around NY feels so good, combat is pretty much what the arkhan series stablished and its ok and i liked the story. Overall it i had a great time playing this

its such a shame that the Avengers game tainted this game reputation and made it not get the praise it deserved. It is a really fun adventure game its simple but yet really enjoyable, they really nailed every single member of the GotG and the story was pretty good. If you like the GotG movies play this, if you like solid single player experiences play this you wont regret it

i usually have nerves while playing horror games it rarely scares me. But i lost everything playing this game jesus. It was a fun experience cuz i played while streaming it on discord for some friends and its some of the few games that made me afraid of going foward. The game play is pretty simple, walking around an haunted house solving some puzzles and as scan said bellow some of them feel way too arbitrary and even unfair and the overall story was ok (blue knees is coming for you)

my review from the first game can be apllied to this one so the game atmosphere and art direction are phenomenal the puzzles were good enough for me but i did not understood what the hell was going on in this game and the final plot twist was good thou. But nevertheless i enjoyed my time with it

the game atmosphere and art direction are phenomenal the puzzles were good enough for me but i did not understood what the hell was going on in this game. But nevertheless i enjoyed my time with it