I'm a pussy, so I don't know what compelled me to buy and play this, but I'm glad I did.

The first few hours of this game are absolute terror, man. Running around the police station with like 2 handgun bullets and a half-eaten sandwich while zombies bang on windows is some classic fucking survival horror. Atmosphere on point.

Later parts of the game kept showering me with more and more bullets until the game turned into more of a traditional shooter. I think I finished with over 100 bullets to spare, which is kind of insane since I spent the first 50% of the game like a homeless drug addict scavenging trashcans for food. Game got WAY less scary after that.

Loved getting ominously walked towards by an unkillable hulk of a man. That character's fucking hilarious and I loved how he goes from easily the scariest thing in the entire game to a punchline. "Is this a fucking joke?" Yes, Leon, and it's really funny.

Who the hell designed this police station by the way. Also what's the point of giving me so many blue herbs if there's only one enemy that can poison you, and that enemy only appears in one extremely short waterway. That's it for the nitpick segment.

Alright, time to check out Silent Hill 2 next.

Basic as fuck, but if this isn't a 10/10, then I don't know what the hell I was doing for over 10k hours of my life.
Crazy how this doesn't even feel like a game anymore. It's a whole-ass part of culture. Reviewing Minecraft feels like giving a score to the Eiffel Tower (4/10 by the way, too tall imo).

It's better and more engaging than Vampire Survivors at least, but this entire genre is the gaming equivalent of bubble wrap with noxious fumes inside every bubble that slowly lower your lifespan by 0.034% per pop.

There's a billion trillion different items but they all just make numbers go up in slightly different ways. No real way to go batshit insane and crash the game - worst sin any roguelike can commit.
Sludge brain. I just play these games so I can watch pretty colors while listening to podcasts.

Already off to a better start than Danganronpa 1 going solely by the fact that I only despise two thirds of the cast this time around.

Hajime is a much better protagonist than Makoto because he's a sassy bitch (in a good way). Fuyuhiko is the only character in both the games I've played so far that actually has any semblance of a character arc and isn't just a one-note weirdo. Nagito is also interesting. I wouldn't call him a good character, but he certainly keeps the plot engaging. And of course, you can't forget THE FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION.

The cases are much more difficult. I found this game's first case to be harder than anything in the first game by several magnitudes.
There's so many twists. There actually might be TOO many twists. If there's such a thing as "twist overdose", this game is definitely suffering from that. The killer is never the obvious choice and I often found myself going into class trials knowing next to nothing except a bag of random shit I found on the ground and some confusing testimonies.
If I'm ever transported into the Danganronpa universe, I'm gonna get away with murder by making sure that every single piece of evidence points to me being the obvious killer.

Ending is dogshit. It's a nonsensical cop-out.
"Ohh you don't get it, you have to watch the movie and read the novels if you want it to make any sense".
Nuh uh. That's like reading a book, getting to the final few pages and realizing that all of them were replaced by an image of Goatse with the text "Go to these coordinates if you want the actual ending" inside the asscrack.

Whatever though. It's Danganronpa. Nobody should take these games seriously. It's a funny bear game where stereotypes kill each other. Save the turtles. Eat your veggies. Remember to recycle. Don't piss in the sink unless you really really have to.

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Toby Fox cries himself to bed every night, knowing he could never come up with a meta narrative as good as this.

Not much of a game, but I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't one of the coolest things ever to 10 year old me.

As somebody who has spent an ungodly amount of time messing around with RPG Maker, this is exactly what that godforsaken engine does to your brain when you try to make a game in it.

Notice how there are next to no big RPG Maker games that are actual RPGs. Like sure, you can make your JRPG with a blue hair protagonist that goes on a quest to save the world or whatever, but it's way more fun to just turn off your brain and write the dumbest shit known to man. That's how real art is made.

Thought I was dying in real life when I got to that "How To Disappear Completely" part. What the fuck dude. Thom Yorke is a scary man, wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley.

This is some good ass platforming. Level design on point - especially a bunch of the bonus strawberry areas. Not as difficult as I expected, honestly (yeah I'm a gamer 🥱). It's actually really impressive how well the levels in this game slowly ramp up in difficulty while never feeling TOO hard or obnoxious as a lot of other precision platformers do.

I kind of wish the devs did more brainstorming for ideas. Most of the level gimmicks are just different ways to make you jump farther. I guess it works nicely enough, but there's surely so much more that can be done with this moveset.

Story did absolutely nothing for me. I just started skimming through the dialogue halfway through. More power to people who resonate with it though. Personally, I just want to fly through the air and stomp on shit.

Haven't done "Farewell" yet. Might bump up the score if it's as good as the base game.

Demonic piece of software. Once I had to pull up a calculator, Google Docs, pen and paper, and start drawing blueprints, I knew that the worms had infested my brain and that The Fog was drawing ever closer.

This is still in early access, so I assume the devs are fully aware of all the problems, but I'll throw in my two cents:
• The map is too big and too empty. There's a lot of interesting biomes, but zero reason to explore. Having to travel longer distances for resource nodes is a waste of time and a glorified loading screen - you will not find anything on your way to your destination, and nothing will kill you.
• Enemies are barely a thing and only serve as minor annoyances. The game throws some pretty cool weapons at you, but you don't have any reason to use them, since everything dies with 2-3 hits from your laser sword anyways.
• 99% of the factories are the same thing. They don't get more complex and satisfying to build - they just get bigger and more tedious.
For the final few products, I just started putting down a bunch of overclocked Manufacturers and feeding them manually, because factories for stuff like Supercomputers are insanely hard to optimize, and way too slow even when fully optimized.

Noped the fuck out once I calculated how long it would take me to build all the Phase 4 Space Elevator parts.

These guys are dumbasses. If they're the "Ultimate people", no wonder the world is fucked.
All of the characters are either boring or annoying (except for Kyoko who is both), and a computer AI is more likable than all of them.

Loved the detective aspects though. I played this after finishing the Ace Attorney trilogy so when I compare the two series, the investigations here are quick and snappy. No throwing random evidence at people until the developers deem you worthy of progressing further.
The class trials are really exciting. I even liked the stupid little hangman and DDR minigames.
I wish the twists were less obvious though. There's no big "Aha!" moments like with a bunch of Ace Attorney cases.
Like damn, I wonder what N037 means when written upside down.

Great ending for the trilogy. The same issues I have with the first two games still apply (mostly how the game forces you to not think with actual logic, but to play a weird mind-reading game with the developers and writers) ..but hey - we're all here for the story anyways, and the story slaps.

The villain of this game is genius. I love how they're just a completely irredeemable psychopath that does evil shit for no reason. It really makes their final breakdown one of the most satisfying moments in the entire trilogy.
Especially made better by the fact that you basically defeat them by saying "ur a poopyhead lol" and they fucking combust. Peak writing.

Also, the second case was good. I don't care what the masses are saying. Luke Atmey = best character in fiction. Everybody knows this.

Goofy first three cases, saved by the final case being some of the best shit ever made.

Also this might just be my pea homunculus brain, but this game feels WAY too cryptic, sometimes almost luck-based. Didn't have that problem with the first game.

Generic streamer-bait rage game masquerading as an "art piece" because sometimes a man with a fancy accent talks to you in Dr. Seuss rhymes.

Unironically not even that hard once you get used to the controls - there's only one legitimately difficult part (apparently called Orange Hell). Took me 3 hours to beat and probably over three quarters of that time were spent on that one part.
Motherfucking green rake, blue slide, jump onto boxes, climb ladder, camera, narrow corridor, orange, rocks, fall down, repeat.

I just wish this game didn't go "lmao find a way over this fence, nerd" every 10 minutes. I wanna kill some aliens with my assorted collection of thingamajigs and doodads, man.

The first "cum-like" game.
I have no idea what I'm doing 80% of the time, but it always seems to somehow work out.
Looking forward to the full game. If they add an achievement for P-ranking all the levels, I'm never going to see the light of day again.