Yakuza Ranked

Very good series with very inconsistent highs and lows

First game I've started in the series and for that it has a special place in my heart. Still a pretty phenomenal game and I love playing as Majima.
Combat could be better but definitely has the best version of Kamurocho and I adore Yagamis journey throughout. Probably my favorite finale in the franchise.
A shame this one didnt get a proper remaster. Might just be one of the best sequels with damn near everything being bigger and better. Ryuji the fucking GOAT
While some of the remakes changes do make some sections worse (mainly the new boss attacks), Ishin is still one of the best entries in the series because of just how much fun its combat/setting is, mixed with an interesting story with many twists and turns.
Most overstuffed game in the series and I love/hate that aspect. Shinada still one of the best sections in a Yakuza game and that final boss goes hard
Story is the best in the franchise but I wish playing it wasnt so rough. Still though the story makes up for it and I adore its ending.
Great first half but once you play as Tanimura things fall apart FAST. Garbage final boss.
Better than Like A Dragon but I still don't care for the RPG gameplay and this game has the exact same issues except you can move. Story was pretty rock solid but the villians and side content were a bit underwhelming.
Fun if very flawed remake. Majima Everywhere is an awful system.
The one I'm the most "meh" on. I dislike the shift to JRPG and feel the story is one of the weaker in the franchise but I really like Ichiban and how fun the substories can be.
A solid intertwining story to Like A Dragon but an odd way to bring Kiryu back. Progression is also dogshit and you can really feel it was made in six months.
Solid spin off that carves its own niche in the franchise. Wish the narrative wasn't a mess in the second half but still a fun time.


Solid game but also incredibly rough around the edges. Dub is hilarious would absolutely recommend it for a first time play.
OVERPRICED but a very good expansion with one of the best sidecharacters in recent memory.
Honestly a bit more sour on this one now that I've played 2. While I can't fault the gameplay that much (it's miles better than 6) I can't forgive the fucking rough changes that plague this version (WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ENDING SONG CHANGE). Only worth it if you truly can't find a copy of OG2 to play. Majima Saga is neat though.


bro put yakuza 7 below 4

2 years ago

yeah 4 is pretty solid

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