One of the better aging games I've ever played, amazing writing, awesome soundtrack, great immersion and even if controls can be a bit hard to get used to I would feel wrong if I didn't give this game a 5 star rating.
You could play this game so many times in so many different ways, I really doubt this game will ever age.

hmhsodmhodsmodfsfdsohofsdhafd fsdyeah

my friend taught me how to play but he plays ice climbers,,

this game ruined my life ( it gets 2 more stars for Hu Tao though )

update: i just spent 15 hours on this game i am going to heII

I loved Celeste, it was a very simple yet fun platformer which only wanted to tell an easy to keep up story that was filled with a lot of depth behind it.
Must play for quite literally anyone,,

arghhhh I love peak,,, te amo Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair