arghhhh I love peak,,, te amo Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

I loved Celeste, it was a very simple yet fun platformer which only wanted to tell an easy to keep up story that was filled with a lot of depth behind it.
Must play for quite literally anyone,,

this game ruined my life ( it gets 2 more stars for Hu Tao though )

update: i just spent 15 hours on this game i am going to heII

my friend taught me how to play but he plays ice climbers,,

hmhsodmhodsmodfsfdsohofsdhafd fsdyeah

One of the better aging games I've ever played, amazing writing, awesome soundtrack, great immersion and even if controls can be a bit hard to get used to I would feel wrong if I didn't give this game a 5 star rating.
You could play this game so many times in so many different ways, I really doubt this game will ever age.

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I wish I could give this game a 5/5 rating it has some of the best soundtracks I ever heard, amazing pixel art along with some of the coolest environments and enemy designs I ever seen.
The gameplay is fun that you could honestly replay it many times and still enjoy it, my only problem with this game is the extremely lacking second castle, it truly is underwhelming next to the first half of the game.

Dokkan is the best game of all time.

Core game is alright I do like the funny modsm,,,

why did so many people make Megalovania levels...

.5 stars more than the last entry


the left/right puzzle hurt me brain :(