You know that modded boss in hollow knight designed to be stupid and impossible but some crazy bastard did it anyway and this accident turned into an insanely fun and rewarding challenge ? This game is the equivalent of that

What am I doing with my life

If Captain Qwark was real his public execution would be the closest thing we have to world peace

this game is bad but that's the funny kind of bad so I like it

Creativity and quality at game freak truly went out with a bang

Probably the biggest discrepancy between the last 5 minutes of the game and the rest. The game is a downgrade in every way from zero 3 and while that's hard to live up it still has worse levels worse mechanics worse weapons and worse boss fights

But on the other hand few things are as kino as its final boss (except the gameplay of phase 2 I hate it) and ending. This is how you finish a character's journey through its series. Looking at you RGG

Sky FC but worse except for the soundtrack which goes hard I thought I was playing Azure

I was about to write a long review ranting about how the finale isn't actually the ending and instead it's a shitty and useless chapter leading to a reskin of the previous game's final boss that literally tells you it's pointless to fight him, how you spend most boss battles jobbing in the next cutscene or how there are like 3 characters that get good development but I held back


This game on release had posts saying the "the previous games were also like this" and "hating things is bad guys stop being meanies :(" which is not only wrong but also when these posts pop up to defend a game you know this game is shit

It's Persona 3 so it has a great base but as much as I like her as a protagonist over her male counterpart due to me prefering more cheerful characters in a dark setting (as far as self-inserts go) FeMc and party control isn't worth losing so much of the game's presentation and the awful new S-Links.

Having to make the story and one of the best moments in the game way less impactful to complete all S-Links for FeMc is also a baffling decision


Really conflicted about this one. On one hand the graphics are impressive for the time and still hold up despite the brown/gray FPS aesthetic being ran so far into the ground it went through the other side of the planet. The sound design is amazing and if you want to use gun sounds you should take inspiration from this game.

But on the other hand the sensitivity is too high for my liking (I play controller FPS with low sensitivities) and you can't change it, I experienced way too many bugs and they weren't shit like one corpse twitching, I go inside the museum and I get teleported back and shoutout to one where my entire screen went black (pun intended) in a shootout, couldn't see anything and died.

This is the kind of game that should get a remake instead of what we have (worse versions of classics resold to profit off an established name). There are traces of an excellent game here, I just wish it was less buggy and on PC.

Crazy how despite having FIFTY ONE playable characters the ones who carry here are the newcomers. The C crew compensates the 2 other that are honestly just rehearshes of their MC's previous arcs (not bad but I couldn't care less about Rean after 4 games focused on him). Hyped for Kuro in 2024 (probably lol), speaking of the west and trails.

Almost as crazy as having to wait 3 years for a localization job that was so bad it contained more bugs than the original jp release (and not small ones, it's one thing to have Machias say "this place gives me the jitters" but links were literally broken and were all named "link attack"). NISA is a company with more than a decade of fuck-ups that has the audacity to take down fan translations of games they haven't announced working on (which I sincerly doubt It's legal but hey companies can bully people It's fine apparently). If you think wanting a game that isn't released in a terrible state (3 years btw) is an exaggeration because LOL gamers amirite then fuck you. You deserve dogshit, doesn't mean everyone deserves too.

When he said WARE WA MESSIAH NARI I clapped and yelled PEAK THIS IS PEAK and that's what this game is. PEAK

It's not bad like a lot of people seem to think but when your comparisons are suikoden 1, 2, 3 and 5 (even if I don't like 3) just being "not bad" isn't enough.