Before Your Eyes is an experience I think everyone should have at some point. It is an emotional journey, dealing with grief and regret--and the ever present "what if" that so many people face when reminiscing on the past.

Ghost Trick was such a surprise, even when I heard how incredible the game is from friends. Its story is such a stand out that I would never want to put the game down, I needed to see what came next.

My second favorite Zelda game. The exploration is very fun, the dungeons are creative, and the mechanics left an imprint on my brain. The HD version is simply the original but with more QOL features.

Compared to Mario Maker 2, this game may have less options--but its charm and style is unmatched by the sequel. The goofy hands, lanky Mario, CRT filter, and the long fall sound effects make this game a clear standout.

This game did nothing for me. The visual style is such a turn off that I barely even played 20 minutes total. I really wanted to like this, as I really like other Vampire Survivor type games, but this was not for me.

My first Kirby game, and what a Kirby game to play. It is the quintessential Kirby game to me, as it does basically everything you would want and does it all very well.

Celeste's story didn't really do much for me but the gameplay mechanics keep it as my favorite platformer I've played.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an amazing game for the exploration it provides. While Tears of the Kingdom does what this game does but better, the fact that this game and world was new makes it so much more special.

Amazing story with amazing characters. Easily my favorite Ace Attorney game, and a huge recommendation to anyone who likes these kind of games.

You don't need me to tell you that this game is amazing just play it you'll find out soon enough