Played this with 2 buddies and it could be perfectly summarized as that one Spongebob Benadryl meme where 2 of us were just traversing through a area normally and the other was just having some insane hell side plot.

An incredible breath of fresh air for the series with a loveable cast and narrative that lets me overlook some of the more undercooked areas of them due to just how charming everything is. The transition to an RPG battle system felt seamless and Yokohama is probably the strongest city in the series to date. Also lowkey might have the best ending in the series.

Silent Hill 2 literally takes everything from the first game and makes it actually 10x better. The atmosphere and visuals are absolutely incredible and the level design is a massive improvement over the first as I wished. With that being said obviously the biggest improvement is the story and while I wish parts of it ere slightly more fleshed out with some characters getting more screen time etc., it does hit hard in many areas and gives a lot of meat to chew on. I can see myself loving this game even more given some time to digest it.

A solid proof of concept for the series with some god tier atmosphere but the level and enemy design can feel bare bones and get super repetitive near the end. Most areas are just corridors with doors on each side that may or may not be locked. I also found the narrative underwhelming but I might just be some kind of dumbass.

Judgment, while quite possibly suffering from the worst pacing in the series yet, is a fantastic start to a new cast with one of the most well thought-out and satisfying plots RGG has delivered with a cast of antagonists that actually have motives that make sense and aren't just "I'm evil and want power lol". The combat is also a welcome improvement over 6 and K2.

Trust me, the sluggish filler that plagues the first half is well worth putting up with to reach one of the series most satisfying 2nd halves in the series yet.

Azure was in fact, as good as everyone said it was. One of my favorite final dungeons/chapters in RPG history.

Works as a fantastic introduction to Crossbell and has some really high highs but the third act of the game left quite a bit to be desired and just felt poorly executed.

Azure better be as good as everyone is hyping it up to be,

i beat this shit on a calculator lol

There exist a video of pre balls dropping 6th grade me playing through this game on youtube and it will forever be tainted by that.

Playing this game made me physically ill

There was way more than 6 coins smh

I just know the devs were laughing their asses off making this game i respect it

Kurohyou more like Kinoyou am i right

thank you team k4l for doing gods work

why does mario control stiffer than an erect cock in this game

the only game series where the message of the games can shift from "follow your dreams" to "wear a condom kids" from game to game