I came to this game after finishing Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 Royal, and while I can't say I enjoyed this game as much as those 2, I'll start this review with the positive things. The story is so damn good. Without getting to into spoilers, all emotional beats are hit, especially late game, making for a very somber and emotional experience. The music is also fantastic, and always fits the tone especially in areas like the month of January. Many of the Social links like the Sun, Star, Aeon, Heirophant, and Devil are all also amazing, and some of the best of the series. My issues, however, begin with the games pacing as its fucking atrocious. Jack shit happens until September, and days before them become very repetitive and uninteresting, making the early game so incredibly slow and boring. Along with this, the main combat area, Tartarus, is super boring. It is repetitive in every sense of the word with each floor being identical to the last with no end in sight. Along with lacking the quality of life of future persona games, Persona 3 FES has many issues that bring down its score for me. However, despite all of this, I can confidently say this game is worth experiencing for the plot alone, along with the addicting fusing and combat featured in other modern persona games.

Used to rate this game lower, but after revisiting it and grinding out demons for the past couple weeks my opinion of this game has shot up. It is hard to get into, yes, but the feeling of euphoria after beating a hard level is something you truly cannot get anywhere else. Despite not getting an update for over 5 years, the community has managed to keep this game more than up and running with an infinite stream of unique player made levels, all ranging in difficulty, making the game anything but stale for me. This game may not be for everyone, but its definitely for me.

Even on launch this game is miles better than both splatoon 1 and final patch splatoon 2.

They have honestly perfected the formula by adding some of the most unique and creative specials to date like zipcaster and ink vac, improving the map design after the absolute dumpster fire that was splatoon 2 maps, and creating a genuinely great campaign. They also improved upon Salmon Run by adding more specials, more bosses, and more maps. The new weapons are really fun too play, and old weapons feel incredibly fresh with new kits that complement them much better than they did in splatoon 2.

Everything I could've hoped for is here, and with balance patches and new weapons and maps being added along with lots of other bits of new content it can only go up from here. I can confidently say this is my new favorite shooter ever made.

A near perfect revival to 2d metroid with incredible movement, combat, and level design with a shockingly good plot. It just suffers from being incredibly unmemorable I think. Still would highly recommend, but I think Super keeps the title for best 2d metroid game

Theres only one case in this game I give a shit about and it happens to be the 2nd best case in the og trilogy. The rest of the game is mid as hell

Easily my favorite pokemon game. Takes everything from the first Black and White like the amazing sprite-work, awesome region design, and characters and just expands upon it. There are now even more areas in Unova with pokemon from other regions being available from the start, something that was missing from the og Black and White. And unlike platinum and emerald which were simple rereleases, this game is a full on sequel which is just awesome to me. This game also houses one of the best post games in a pokemon game with multiple battle facilities, each one good, along with being able to revisit starting areas from Black and White. I absolutely love this game and would highly recommend it, my only issues are some minor pacing issues, but its nothing like as bad as Heart gold and Soul Silver I think.

A Genuinely amazing shooter with an incredible foundation that just needs quality of life changes. Stuff like making gear grinding less rng focused and being able to play ranked modes casually without the threat of losing your rank would be amazing. Really looking forward to what Splatoon 3 brings to the table, and I really hope they try to innovate rather than pushing more of the same.

Very linear but still worth playing, definitely one of the better metroid games

Just felt like giving this as low of a review as possible

This game is a really tough game to judge, because on one hand its one of the most ambitious games I've ever seen. The amount of characters and love put into every nook and cranny is incredible, and its obvious this was made with passion. However, what others see as a giant, fulfilling roster, I see missed potential. Regardless of the size, a lot of picks on this roster are boring as fuck, and all fighter's move sets are dull and uninspired. I would've loved to see more inspiration taken from the source material for so many fighters. The biggest offender of this I think are all 3 links. Each one could have been so full of references to source material and used cooler abilities from each of their games. But instead, they're all the exact same fighter with the most boring sword moveset imaginable. This mindset also applies to characters like Sonic, Joker, Mario, most Pokemon, and more. Also, there are 0 indie characters (steve doesn't count as hes owned by microsoft) in the main roster. There is plenty of side inclusion, but to have the indie scene of gaming pushed to the side as it is in Smash Ultimate is very disappointing to me. Overall, I love this game and everything it stands for, but every time I play it I just see what could've been.

One of if not my favorite 2d platformers of all time, and the game that truly got me into sonic as a franchise. The levels are amazingly designed with tons of replayability, complemented by an amazing ost and gorgeous sprites. The art is incredibly expressive and detailed in each playable character. This game is the best celebration/anniversary game I've played and I highly recommend it.

Red dead redemption 2 is my favorite game of all time, and red dead online is one of my least favorite games ive ever played. This game takes all the charm in little details scattered throughout the map and does away with them in favor of repetitive and boring missions with little reward. Everything is way too overpriced as you'll receive $10 for a bounty and need $2000 just to buy a new gun or a horse saddle. If you want a good Red Dead experience, steer away from this as much as you can.

One of the best games I have ever played, only topped by one. For $15 you get an insanely huge map filled with unique area designs, enemies, gorgeous music, fun bosses, and FREE DLC. The DLC isn't anything small either adding whole new side quests and a full boss rush with about 40 bosses to face. The only thing I can see about this game being an issue for some is how it just drops you in with 0 exposition (or at least any exposition that would be meaningful to a newcomer). To me, however, it felt incredibly rewarding to finally piece together the story of this ruined Kingdom, and the other tidbits of lore scattered across the land. This game is the easiest 10/10 I've ever seen and needs to be experienced for sure.