Interesting, but I did not feel the motivation to complete it. Kinda just fell off it after completing the first few chapters.

Interesting idea, but for the life of me I could not get a hang of the ship controls. There came a point where I was just hurling myself to planets to explore as much as I could every reset, and I just got bored and frustrated with the experience. Was not for me.

Some of the best writing in video games. Just a joy to playthrough and leaves you with a lot to think about.

It's just a good game. It feels good to play and it's got a lot of great set pieces. Mommy Dimitrescu has the best level in the entire game though. The ending left a lot to be desired, and Chris's portrayal felt a little out of left field for his character. They could have literally just used someone else to fulfil the role he plays in the game.

Nice little narrative romp. Mae is annoying at times though. Might do a second playthrough for the alternate friendship route, but it doesn't feel like much would change with the story at all.

Just a fun Yakuza game. The story is all over the place, with a lot of the middle chapters feeling like filler nonsense, and the gameplay becomes very boring with only the one fighting style that gets old quickly. The Dragon Engine is great though.

Honestly, I was having some fun at first, but the repetitive gameplay, boring glory kills and unfun enemies really make this a slog to play through. It's got some decent graphics and the design of hell is suitably hell-ish, but I got about halfway through the story before I realized I wasn't even having fun anymore, so I just turned it off and uninstalled it.

I'm shelving this for now because, from the 5 hours I played, nothing seems to have changed from the game's previous version besides less clunky combat. Not to say the previous game was bad in any way - in fact, I love it very much - but I'm not at a place right now where I feel the need to return to it.
I'll likely come back to this at some point when I feel the urge to play through the first game again.

Nice little narrative that fleshes out the mythology of the world.

Not much to it, just a fun little diversion

Very jank, and not that fun to play.

Interesting game and concept, but I got very bored with it.

Did not have a fun time playing this.

It's very clunky and combat feels unresponsive and sluggish, but I was intrigued enough by the premise to see it through to the end. Thankfully it's short.

Beautiful, but irritating puzzle design, particularly in the middle section. Might pick it back up at a later stage