A fun enough Mass Effect-like. I didn't hate my time with it, but I wouldn't jump back into it.

It's fun but I'm not a multiplayer guy.

So much fun and interesting to see a different aspect of the Pokemon universe, but I hit a brick wall that I could not overcome and had to abandon this.

Best AC, don't @ me. I've played this through to completion 3 times now.

Very fun to play and the aesthetic is a vibe, but I am not a big fan of Metroidvanias and this one is LONG.

Fun little romp with a nice aesthetic. I wish the combat could've utilized actual card-based combat, however, but the narrative was good and the characters were interesting and fun.

It's got an interesting premise and good design, but it's honestly bogged down by it's bad story and voice acting. If the dialogue had at least been skippable, I might have been more inclined to actually try and finish the game, but I made it to Chapter 6 and just couldn't bring myself to continue on.

Did not have fun with this one. Probably would've preferred a more linear adventure, although even that I'm not sure about.

Thankfully, it's short. Was not as much fun as the original game was, and somehow it looks worse as well? Also, cannot stand Chloe.

First-person Dark Souls was a mistake. This is just annoying to play to be honest. I was interested in the setting and the game world for like a minute, before I found out that you only have 4 inventory slots, and combat is an unfun mash and parry fest against spongey enemies that take way too long to be killed.


Just no. There is no fun to be had here.

I'm a damn scrub and this game is hella hard. Shelved, for now, might pick it up at a later time.

Single-player is basically non-existent. It looks pretty, but I'm not a multiplayer guy.