
It's okay, it's pretty bad but it's not awful, very frustrating. The game was definitely made to be played with a team, this is aleviated with an ingame mod for solo play but it still spams enemies at you and some objectives are just tedious without others. It's pretty decent in that each mission (almost) is fairly unique in it's objectives and such. But that does mean that almost each mission you'll try to equip fairly generic all around and then play to realise that you should have instead equipped x thing. Samus is definitely more of a cameo in this which then just makes the entire game just more of a 'why?'


I get that it was made more from the tech demo that came with the DS (First Hunt) but it still feels like a tech demo like they were feeling out the game. You can tell they wanted to go heavier into the Multiplayer which I remember playing a few times years ago. It can get annoying when almost every other room get's locked to kill the same hunter or guardians that once you have the sniper you can just one shot each anyway. The bosses were boring and re-used. I did like the hunter designs but massively under-utilised outside of the MP, they could have done something great with the game but they did not. It's fine and fun enough I liked some of the levels aside from one room with instant death. It's an odd not quite linear, linear experience. You can go to any planet but you'd only really visit each twice unless you are wandering aimlessly looking for the next set of doors you can open with the last acquired gun.

(Essentially played through twice as I got 80% through then realised I was missing some boss scans, so re-did it to get those scans and 100%)


I feel that Samus Returns is a more well constructed game as a whole but I still find the original GB game to be more charming and more thought out. SR has pretty environments, I absolutely love the scanning system and I feel more Metroidvanias should have that. The bosses are mostly more interesting but they get samey and annoying aside from a couple. The enemies are re-used and they abuse the parry system. Playing this after Dread I can definitely understand where Dread got it's core from but that just expanded on it so much better. I would recommend the original or AM2R (heck it's still one of my top Metroid games yet it's not official). This is a better made game than the original but the original flows better overall. I wouldn't say that this was bad though.


Kind of felt like Fusion except refined and better. Kind of 'linear' for the most part except you go through areas you've been through before and usually have a fairly clear path to go through. You get a lot of upgrades in the game a couple you only really use a couple times. It feels really good to play with mostly in part due to the animations that I do feel they really hit it out of the park with. Samus' entire characterisation is with her animations and it works, Small additions here and there really polish it out. I was a little upset with some portions of the end but also genuinely astonished from a creation perspective. Genuinely a pretty difficult game too, almost every boss I would die a couple times and a few times in the overworld (albeit the continuing is a little too forgiving at times), Considering playing the entire series recently outside of the original I barely game-overed each game. That is double edged though as quite a few bosses their attacks were televised but still somewhat hard to anticipate the move without seeing it at least once, attacks hit hard so it can lead into a little 'trial and error' feel. I don't hate that but I can see it being annoying to some and does feel great when you do overcome the boss.

5.8 Does everything it can to go against the grain, it's an okay game at best with a Metroid Paint, The story is outright bad (not even looking at the aspect of Samus' character), the combat tries to be something more but it fails in most regards, some pretty good animations. It's pretty and neat to see things like a few bosses from old games in 3D but that's mostly it.


Least of the prime trilogy. It tries to add some (much needed outside of comics) lore but at the same time muddies itself. The first around 1/3 was too linear then the rest was throwing you back and forth for the sake of it just to fulfill it's genre. Also two of the planets whilst somewhat cool were also considerably a let down considering what they are.

8.1 For everything better it does than Prime it also does worse, I think I enjoyed Prime more but I do remember enjoying Prime 2 more back when, it's a more interesting game as a whole (but at the same time I find the world lacking) and further from the usual Metroid linearity than before but it just feels like it's different to be different at times. It emphasises exploration a bit more which fits it's genre more but also means a whole lot more backtracking where I found Prime 1 to be a lot more linear with lesser or more streamlined backtracking. Which I both like more and less for different reasons