65 Reviews liked by Mcwaffian

This might be the best one so far in terms of pure gameplay. Since it's an MGS game, the story is top notch too. Nothing really negative to say aside from a little nitpick, I really didn't wanna deal with an escort mission at the end... Anyway, apparently these games have plenty of secret content to offer so I might try to dive deeper into that aspect next time I play them.

First three chapters were awesome: Adventure , choice making , colony management. Was actually fun to explore the Koronus expanse , however by the end of chapter 3 i had explored everything except the systems blocked off by story progression. Then Chapter 4 came and I stopped. Chapter 4 is scripted moment after scripted moment. Too much busy work and poor enemy balance. I'll maybe pick it up in like 6 months when it got updated to be better balanced and optimised. Besides those issues, it has other issues. The romance getting forced before you get all companions, some companions not being able to be romance ( cough.. argenta cough... ) , writting getting meh toward the later chapters ( 4 and 5 ). Quests being uncompletable due to bugs.

Its basically the best COD game. Top tier movement, pretty good selection of guns and best of all anime mechs but realistic and stuff ( game had anime character images as placeholders , dont argue on that ). Titanfall 3 will be shit probably.

I weep. Pretty good writting and shit on this VN.

This was by far the most challenging Fire Emblem experience I've had to deal with so far. I started this game on lunatic out of pride and oh boy did this game make me realise how much I suck at strategy games. I did manage to get through nonetheless through countless attempts and many sacrifices on endgame but it was all worth the satisfaction it provided. The intricacies of the combat system in this game and the design of the maps was so refreshing compared to other fire emblem games, there was something new to discover on every chapter of this game. I also really liked the characters, their designs and all the support conversations they had between each other. While all of what I said so far was sweet, the game does have very noticeable flaws. The plot is basically non-existent, there are plotholes all over the place and it makes no sense. And the other beef I have with this game that I can think of right now is the late game. Some of the decisions that were taken to make the maps difficult at the end were just down right vile. Who thought it was ok to have the debuffs of maids and ninjas stack ? As if ninjas weren't hard enough to deal with when they couldn't stack debuffs on you. The debuff stacking isn't the only problem with maids though, why the hell were they allowed to have an infinite amount of staff use ? The whole point of status staves is to make you consider each and every step you make so that you don't fall in a situation where you're too weak to fight the enemy, but instead you have to go for the kill on them asap and hope to survive the hordes of enemies that are around them on enemy phase to not get hexing rod spammed (which should have never existed tbh). All of this kind of forces reckless play on the final map if you don't have specific characters or ones that just aren't good enough to one round/two round enemies. This all leads to having to rely on rescue cheesing through endgame if you don't wanna retry the last map + chapter 27 for god knows how long. Some may compare having to do chapter 27 again to the endgame of fe6 and fe7, but they just aren't the same situation at all. The final bosses of fe6 and fe7 are total pushovers so having to do the earlier part of them again is never a factor. In this game you have to go through the easy chapter 27 again and again then have to do the actual hard part. Both are bad design philosophies imo, if you're gonna design a hard final chapter, make it so we can save before it and that's that.
Well anyway, that's all I have to say about this game, it was quite a unique experience to go through it and I will remember it for a long long time, Idk if I can claim that I will replay it in the future right now because endgame caused a mental trauma for me.

Too much to talk about so I will try to keep it short. I liked this game and it doesn't really have any major flaw, what did bother me is the amount of stuff it takes to do a 100%, I really didn't like having to beat the game all over again just to get specific achievements. You may say that this is a non-factor and these feats only try to add replay value for future playthroughs but it just bothers me when I beat a game and do not try to finish everything it has to offer as a completionist. But yeah, I feel like beating this game again and again will make you start to hate certain aspects of it which are totally harmless, it totally affected my rating here and I won't lie that this game probably doesn't deserve 7/10.
On a side note fuck those hooded flying enemies in tower of fates 2.

One of the best plots I found in a videogame, at no point did I feel like things were getting boring. Still, that doesn't mean I don't wish there was a more effective way to skip cutscenes on the PSX version. As for the gameplay, it's pretty interesting as well, not too fan of the infiltration type of stuff but thankfully there isn't an excessive amount of it. It also offers a decent challenge in many instances which is good since it would have been a shame for it to be too easy and turn into a glorified visual novel.
All and all, a satisfying experience !!!

Pretty good adventure point and click game. Great story and art style.

A sufficiently enjoyable time, yet it pales in comparison to the atmosphere of the original release. This is remake is fun but forgettable and cursed to always be compared (justifiably) to it's original predecessor.

Barely disguised (and honestly pretty terrible) fetish be damned my boy can cook a non-traditional boomer FPS!

Hot on the heels of the retro FPS revival comes a pretty interesting take on the mind fuckery and cooky gunfeel from both Outlaws and Marathon (something the devs fully admit), combining the esoteric ramblings of Bungie's and the gameplay style of Lucasart's foray into first person action. In a pretty succesfull way, I might add. From the reload of the "meta-magnum" (Jodorowsky eat your heart out) to the fairly big selection of optional types of ammo and fire capacity the game gives you. The enemy positioning and space on the levels can create some really fun and tense situations, where you actually need to take into account reloading and ammo capacity.

It's origin from the faraway lands of Zipango adds, in my opinion, some interesting differences from the usual formula of western rooty tooty point and shooty, like the platforming being an integral part of the level structure and a pretty effective (I'm looking at you, Fi Da Puti Samurai) anime aesthetic.

Sadly the game has some pretty noticeable holes in it's presentation, like the almost absent plot besides the most wireframe justification for you to go from point A and B, given to you in the first 30 seconds of play. But first and foremost, my main gripe is the design of its enemies and even the protagonist itself. The fact the enemies explode into a shower of viscera and oddly sexual appendages is honestly a choice(tm) that I wish they kept on their personal drives and MAYBE ghost release it as a mod if they really wanted for the world to see it. And don't get me started on the actual designs of some characters, I dread for the devs if they ever do a Q&A and get asked their opinion on the age of consent worldwide.

All in all, a pretty good inclusion into the modern FPS landscape, never overstaying it's welcome. Don't check the devs' twitter.

It's almost too familiar. The futile thumbing through articles of psychobabble in some vain attempt to give a somatic labeling to a conflicted psyche. The psychosexual allure of technology and the internet as potential transcendence from corporeal responsibility. The well-intentioned failures of institutional psychiatry and ultimately, the all too human desire to connect with the other in a century that increasingly obscures and polarizes our conception of the self. The very narrative happening in our minds and at our screens through the lenses of those most helpless and affected.

[Old review] Best Mario spinoff series. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn't very unique though but It's quite polished and well-balanced despite being a high-paced kart racing game with lots of items.


Mario Kart 8 is the best in the series with immense polish. This is literally one of the best-looking Switch games despite originally being released on the Wii U. I just can't wrap my head around why Nintendo refuses to make a Mario Kart 9 with how well MK8 has been selling. I'LL GIVE YOU ALL MY MONEY NINTENDO! SUPER KART BROS. PLEASE!

200cc is the best thing to ever happen a MK game. It sure can be really tight at times even in turns where you brake-drift to the max, but if you know what you're doing you'll always manage to pull it off.

I hate when people complain about them getting constantly hit by blueshells and say no one else gets them. This is the most ego-narcissistic thing a human being can utter. What I find fucked up though is when you flawlessly go through an entire race to only be interrupted by an unavoidable blueshell and end up not winning and fucking up the entire cup. I propose a law so that you cannot receive a blueshell after entering lap 3.

Very solid action rpg, I'm generally not too fan of the genre but this survival horror aspect added to the game really attracted me. There is a lot of enemy variety and the game can feel quite challenging at times (still pretty fair though). Also, the storyline is quite interesting to follow and the cutscenes are gorgeous . Overall a very solid rpg experience.

Sonic Unleashed isn't a terrible game but there are enough gripes I had with it that made the game a slog to beat. The werehog levels while sometimes enjoyable overstayed their welcome and the combat isn't all that great. The sun & moon coins were also a pain in the ass to collect for a good chunk of the game and will probably take up a good majority of your playthrough. It gets a bit easier to get the amount required to complete the game once you unlock the extra acts, but unless you really pay attention as you play the levels, you're going to find yourself replaying them quite a bit if you want to make progress. Eggmanland is one of the most infuriating levels I have played for quite some time. Not only does it have an absurdly big difficulty curve from every other level, but the level drags on longer than the other werehog levels. Considering my lack of skill at Sonic games, I'm honestly surprised I managed to beat it, let alone without having to grind for extra lives. Even with that in mind it still took me over an hour to do it.

I've complained enough about the downsides so I'll go into the positive aspects this game has to offer. The regular Sonic levels are fun to speed through and there is a lot of variety among the levels which is something I always am clamoring for in a game. The graphics are impressive and hold up nicely in 2023. Despite the werehog levels being far from perfect, I can still appreciate that they at least tried to do something new and unique.

There is a good game underneath some of the issues it has. What Sonic Unleashed really needs is a remaster that adds some QoL changes. Those few small changes can come a long way and are all Sonic Unleashed really needs for it to truly unleash its potential.