My first Immersive Sim and it was fantastic. The backtracking you have to do I'm this game is awful tho lol

Tried to play this game since 2019, finally did. Although I like the concept, this game goes on way too long and is not the best when it comes to telling you what to do.

Just frustrating to play. Great customization but the combat goes from good to fucking dreadful

Really good but fuck this is buggy, it crashes all the time and I end having to replay whole segments multiple times. Already got 3 out of 6 endings. I'll watch the rest on YouTube.


Really like the art direction, but like many fighting games, it's combat can be good but clunky and disappointing.

The best expansion I have EVER played!!!
I knew cyberpunk 2077 was gonna be a gaming classic 🩷

From a guy who thought dead island 1 and riptide were just terrible and boring, im so glad I got to experince this fantastic sequel!

I really enjoyed the base game but the cleanup DLC bring out the worst parts of this game. Getting stuck on your tools everything bouncing off of object youre not trying to put on. This dlc was irritating

I thought the first one was good and im not saying this game is bad(I didnt finish it so that would be ignorant of me) the choppy 30fps this still runs at on series x makes not want to play. Its an improvment on everything from dishonored 1 but playing this in 2017 and in 2023, I just cant get into this game

I used to play this back in the day. I applaude the game for being a unique platformer. A genre I dont really like. But I finally beat it after 10+ years. I really enjoy the music and the weirdness of this game. But in later levels, the janky controls and aiming, and especially final boss , this game gets seriously aggravating.The game is good, but fuck it doesnt hold up well at all. I almost didnt even wanna play this again dealing with the final boss.

I dont play horror games often and I didnt even know this came out this year. But this has one of the best artstyles not because of the pixel art but because of glitchy, mind fucky visual and sometimes artsy imagery. Game of The Year 2022

This review contains spoilers


I bought this game back in 2021, I played Crimes and Punishments/The Devil's Daughter
and really like them and I was loving the presentation of this but after a few hours I didnt like this as much.


I hated jon, annoying, tries way to hard to be funny and just sucks. From constantly saying im not trying when I get the mind palace wrong, to the bad voice acting theres nothing to like about him. I get adding him in as a psychological element to sherlock but he was agravating.


The open world looks fine but was unnecessary and felt like a chores and doesnt work with the set levels with past games.


The combat is one of the worst combat systems I have played in my life. No reason to add this and sucks. It feels stiff, aiming can be painstaking and even when you aim dead on, it still misses.

Detective Work

Sometimes it works just like the other sherlock games, and just like those games there are parts that are just really vague for no reason and sometimes are so hard to find to where I have to look up at guide. The detective mode is an ok feature, my gripe with it is you walk way too slow when using it


I dont care much for graphics, I play anything that interests me. But this was 60/40. 60% of the time, the game looks great and can get some nice screen shots out of it. 40% of the time, it has those really good characters models with dead eyes and stiff anamations kindof look. Hair and beards just start looking pixely from a distance very often and the game has weird graphical issues.


I really liked sherlock in this one, I like seeing his early years and I like how everyone reacts to his cunning wits and stubborn/brash demeanor. But alot of this game a trudge to get through sometimes. I think frogwares tried to make a triple A game by adding a needless open world, combat and currency for there disguise and house renovation system. They can make a triple A detective game, I guess they didnt think so. I really wanted to like this game as was gonna get the season pass but I'm gonna pass on that. I wonder what they have in store for the next one though

Did a second playthrough of this game.
Fuck, this is one of the greatest video games of all time


Really enjoyed the music, I'm not into "cute" things and it was kind of cringy with the yeti character that comes later in the game, but I liked this

Love the artstyle, easy to learn hard to master type of game and it will kick your ass but I really enjoyed it. Platinumed it.